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American Indian Assimilation Research Paper

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American Indians were seen as interference during U.S expansion. To rid the United States of this impeding problem many natives were completely annihilated through various forms of warfare, while others were forced to live on small reservations that could not be cultivated and sported little game. Newly introduced diseases also quickly killed off the native population yet the natives were still viewed as a “problem”. In efforts to solve the “problem,” assimilation of the young native was introduced in hopes of gradually breeding out the Indian. Thus, the Indian Bureau of Affairs was created. The Indian Bureau of Affairs forcibly took children from their homes and placed them into boarding schools. The children were forbidden to speak their …show more content…
They were forced to accept Christianity and English and were punished if they spoke their native languages or practiced their own tribal religious beliefs. The Indian Bureau of Affairs was essentially breaking human beings as if they were cattle, caging and beating them into submission. You break down an animal then rebuild and train them to be how you want them to be. No matter how much natives tried to assimilate into white culture they were still perceived as subhuman and were taught that they were such. The Indian Bureau of Affairs forced children to live in horrid conditions which not even the poorest of whites lived in. Disease was rampant and many children died as a result. The staff was so neglectful to the children, but it was not a requirement to be there for them after all these were only natives, the throwaways of society. The Indian Bureau of Affairs only saw the schools as a way to stuff their already big pockets. This was a lucrative business and as long as the money kept flowing in society turned it head. The dominant culture accepted the mentality of well if I do not experience it therefore it does not exist, a mentality that is still present today. Many native issues are simply ignored, many refuse to accept the fact that these issues stem from colonialism, and instead they label natives as lazy, moochers, irresponsible, drunk people with a self-entitled complex. They fail to assess the core issue of the problem which is the fact that forced cultural assimilation created these issues. Humility turned into self-doubt, fear, self-hate and depression all ingredients that encompass an inferiority complex. To cope with these feelings natives turned to drugs, drinking, violence or suicide. If the natives would have not been forced to assimilate none of this would be as issue

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