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Fatigue Research Paper

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Fatigue can be easily prevented if the right steps are taken. Obviously, the easiest way to avoid becoming fatigue is by making sure you obtain an adequate amount of sleep each night.
Sleep is very important for a number a reason, the main two being that it gives the body time to rest and recover from the day before. If this rest period isn’t achieved, then multiple physical and physiological problems are bound to plague you. On average, a normal adult is required to obtain eight hours of sleep but of course it will vary from person to person. If this amount of sleep is obtained, then fatigue shouldn’t be an issue in your day to day activities and duties.
Unfortunately, it may sometimes be difficult to get eight hours of uninterrupted …show more content…
Some of these include sleep apnea, night terrors, stress, depression, caffeine use, staying out late, alcohol and this list can go on and on. Fact of the matter is, fatigue is easily mitigated by making sure you get a good night’s rest. On top of sleep, there are also other ways to prevent fatigue as well as a variety of do’s and don’ts to make sure you stay awake and aware while on the job. The FAA stated that “No one is immune from fatigue. Yet, in our society, establishing widespread preventive measures to combat fatigue is often a very difficult goal to achieve.” FAA. It’s common for business owners and employees to not recognize there is a problem until it’s much too late and an accident occurs. Sadly, in the aviation field when it’s too late often means that a crash has occurred. Even so and if lives have been lost as a result sometimes changes still don’t occur and individuals fail to admit there is a problem. It’s difficult

for people to make lifestyle changes in order to change their bad habits especially if they aren’t fully in command of their situation. For example, many commercial pilots choose to

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