...position has a equal party position. Say, you're a governor of a province, and your have a vice governor and other subordinates. And you also have a party secretary who make sure everything you do follows the party principle. From Governors, department directors, to mayors... every government position has a "party secretary" watch over him/her. Party secretary holds the real power. All positions are appointed, not elected. There's no democratic election in China. There're a few ways to get appointed: 1, you're very capable; 2, You're connected to powerful people or interests groups; 3, for regular administrative positions, you start from bottom and work/wait your time. And there's the "legendary" Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI). They're like a secret police that operates outside the law. Officially, they're like internal affair of police, they investigate corruption and other illegal activities of the party members. But in practice, they investigate whoever they want, with whatever little or no evidence to support any accusation. They can detain people as long as they want, torture and other extreme interrogation methods are often used. CCDI is probably the most corrupted organization in China. And there's the "legendary" Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI). They're like a secret...
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...In some cases the countries or empires were specifically closed to the religion of others. Document 2 discusses a plan by the chief religious and legal advisor to the sultan of Istanbul to attack the Venetians. His plan was to eliminate their culture and belief system. The last sentence states that the Sultan was “determined to take [this land] from the possession of the shameful infidels and to annex it to the realm of Islam.” In document 3 the idea of being completely closed off is still there. This document states Istanbul’s ruling on war against the Safavids of Iran. Doc. 3 clearly states that “followers of the Safavids are killed by the order of the Sultan.” This empire had no desire to expand and were not open to the culture of others. It is in their Islamic law to fight the Safavids and who ever is to kill them is considered a holy warrior. Document 6 is an issued code known as the Closed Country Edict. They were a set of laws that hold truth to their name. The Tokugawa government ruled by the Japaneses shogun caused Japan to be completely closed off from the rest of the countries in the world. They had no desire to expand and interact with other countries, were completely against other religions specifically Catholicism, and were not to leave their country. The second law stated says, “No Japanese is permitted to go abroad.” The...
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...Contemporary Issues in Eastern Religions Paper Serrita Daniels, Bismarck Perez, Jonathan Keyworth, Dennis Morales, Matthew Weed REL/ 133 May 3rd, 2014 Stephen Allen Contemporary Issues in Eastern Religions Paper Shinto began in a time when the religion had no name and it was just a way of life. Long ago, people lived close with nature and so the religion began in worshiping the spirits of nature as a reality of the world (Molly, 2010). Shintoism is one of the oldest religions in Japan and to keep its teaching alive Japan gave it its name when Buddhism came to Japan in the sixth century. Although, this did not stop people from coming to Japan to compare their religions, how this religion interacts with the modern world, and how Shintoism would influence other religions in the modern world (Molly, 2010). When comparing Shintoism to other religions such as, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism many people may automatically say there are not comparisons between the religions. When researching comparisons between these religions, people can say they all believe in a higher power, but that is not where the similarities end. Shinto and Buddhism care two religions that taught and learned from each other by adopting beliefs from each other. The both believed in having a place of worship called shrines and temples. They also believed in more than one higher deity who were a loving and benign (Find the best, 2014). When China entered Japan, the Chinese introduced Buddhism...
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...SEOUL: South Koreas nuclear safety regulator said on Friday it had approved the restart of one of the country’s 23 nuclear reactors after a scheduled maintenance shutdown since Oct. 1, but five others remain offline. Asia’s fourth-largest ... Full Story Lost kingdom: Myanmar’s forgotten royals YANGON: In a modest Yangon apartment, the granddaughter of Myanmar’s last king lives poor and unrecognised by her neighbours — a far cry from the power and riches of her ancestor. Princess Hteik Su Phaya Gyi said the childhood days when her ... Full Story Malawi arrests ex-minister over murder attempt BLANTYRE, Malawi: Malawi police said Friday they have arrested axed justice minister Ralph Kasambara over a failed assassination attempt on a corruption-busting treasury official. Paul Mphwiyo, the budget director in the finance ministry, was ... Full Story Yemen air strikes kill five ADEN: Two air strikes by the Yemeni air force killed five suspected al-Qaeda members in southern Yemen on Friday, the interior ministry said. The strikes targeted suspected militants in the town of Al-Mahfad, in the southern province of Abyan, ... Full Story Syrian opposition refuses to participate in Moscow talks BEIRUT: Syria’s main Western-backed opposition group has refused to participate in talks in Moscow with Syrian government organisations on resolving the country’s humanitarian crisis, the Russian Foreign Ministry and opposition figures said on ... Full...
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...Legacy Guangdong province is located in central zone of south east of china, in the center of the Asian Economic circle. It has a total area of 179,757 square kilometers and is surrounded by Guangxi on the west, Fujian on the east, Jiangxi and Hunan on the north, Hainan off the southwest. Guangdong is divided into 21 prefectures, 121 counties and 1642 townships. Its humid climate is affected from the subtropical zone resulting to the one of the richest light, heat and water resources of china. The annual temperature lies around 22, 3° with an average rainfall of 1, 3002, 500mm per year. ). Winters in Guangdong are short, mild, and relatively dry, Source: http://www.china-map-guide.com/province/guangdong/ while summers are long, hot, and very wet. Average daily temperature in January come at 14° while in July around 29° (Humidity makes it feel much hotter). Since January 2015 Guangdong became and remains the most populous province in China (preceded by Henan and Sichuan province) registering a total of 106,440,000 registered inhabitants without considering the floating population. Due to the region fast-growing economy and high labor Source: http://www.travelchinaguide.com/climate/guangzhou.htm demands, mainly within the manufacturing, there is an average influx of circa 30,000,000 additional migrants. In terms of ethnic representation all 56 ethnic groups of china can be found in Guangdong. The Han ethnic composition counts for more than...
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...interacción de occidente con otras civilizaciones no occidentales. Hoy los países se agrupan en función de su cultura, formando una entidad cultural. Una civilización es una agrupamiento cultural humano y el más elevado nivel de identidad de las personas. Un residente puede pertenecer a la región a su estado, país, religión continente, etc. Sus identidades se redefinen constantemente y cambian los limites de las civilizaciones, la identidad es dinámica. En el futuro los conflictos más importantes serán en base a las líneas de fractura (diferentes opiniones, puntos de vista) cultural de las diferentes civilizaciones. El mundo se ha hecho más propenso para una mayor interacción intensificando la conciencia de civilización. Hoy occidente se encuentra dominando, dentro de occidente, EUA. Las diferencias culturales son mas costosa de resolver que las políticas o económicas, no se puede cambiar quien eres. Para la integración económica la unidad cultural es necesaria. El choque entre las civilizaciones se da a nivel micro en grupos o a nivel macro entre estados. Ejemplo de choque entre civilizaciones: Islam y occidente, ortodoxos y musulmanes, negros en África, china y Japón y EUA. Occidente contra el Islam no solo contra Irak. La comunidad sufre del síndrome de país...
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...3.- Organización encargada de declarar ante el mundo lo que se convierte en patrimonio cultural. UNESCO 4.- La prehistoria se divide en tres periodos, ¿Cuál es el más largo de los tres? PALEOLITICO 5.- Construcción arquitectónica mesopotámica más importante y que al parecer pretendía unir el mundo del hombre con el del misterio celeste. ZIGURAT 6.- ¿Cual de estas tres pirámides es la más alta? KEOPS 7.- ¿En el arte indio como era concebido Buda en el arte? COMO UN HOMBRE, NO COMO UN DIOS 8.- ¿En donde se establecieron los primeros habitantes de China? EN LA CUENCA DEL RIO AMARILLO 9.- Cuando la decadencia política y social fue mayor en China surgió la figura de este filósofo CONFUCIO 10.- ¿Cuál es el nombre de los característicos tejados de la arquitectura china? TING 11.- Clan que adoptó la cultura china y coreana en japón y que introdujo la caligrafía china y la religión budista. YAMATO 12.- Fue el escultor japonés más importante con sus obras de enorme fuerza y realismo UNKEI 13.- ¿Cuál es el tema principal de las pinturas rupestres? LA CAZA Y LA VIDA COTIDIANA 14.- ¿Qué ciudades se desarrollaron como centros culturales en Rusia durante el periodo bizantino? KIEV Y NOVGORD 15.- Fue el más grande representante de la pintura rusa medieval ANDREI RUBLEV 16.- ¿Porque razón se destaca el periodo Minoico último de la historia cretense? 17.-Nombra los tres órdenes de columnas griegas DORICO, JONICO Y CORINTIO ...
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...Los tampones sanitarios de la marca Tampax son los de mayor venta a nivel mundial con el 44% del mercado global, de éste mercado, Norteamérica y Europa representan el 90% de las ventas. El caso de estudio habla sobre las barreras culturales que ha tenido que combatir la marca para posicionarse en el mercado, sobre todo aquellos casos en donde el uso de un tampón sanitario es un tabú contra la virginidad de las usuarias. El mercado potencial para la venta de tampones es muy extenso, tan solo 100 millones de 1.7 billones de mujeres elegibles, usan tampones sanitarios. Visto lo anterior Tambrands definió una estrategia de marketing internacional dividiendo el mercado global en tres sectores, el primero aquel en el que la mayoría de las mujeres ya usaban tampones (US y Eu), el segundo, donde el 50% de las mujeres usan regularmente tampones y el tercero y de mayor apetito para el negocio pero de mayor reto, aquel mercado en el que solo una infima parte de las mujeres usaban o aceptaban el uso de tampones sanitarios, en este grupo se encontraba Brasil, China y Rusia. Como parte de la evolución de la marca Procter and Gamble (P&G) compró Tambrands por una transacción de 1.85 billones de dólares, como parte de una estrategia para que P&G se reposicionara en el mercado de la venta de Tampones pues, hacia 1980 ellos comercializaban su propia marca denominada Rely, la cual tuvo muy mala reputación tras haberse presentado mas de dos docenas de demandas por producir un síndrome...
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...enjoyed the same things and spoke the same language. Those in my neighborhood looked like me but in many different shades, even Caucasians were dark because of the 365 days of sun that lathered the island. Two of my closest friend were white but I didn’t realize this until my first two weeks in America. In Barbados there is no separation of races within the community and there is absolute unity as we all consider ourselves Barbadians. When I moved to New York City in 1983 my community was very different form what I was accustom too. There was a mix of different races and cultures and the neighborhoods were segregated by cultures. For example, I lived in a community that had neighborhoods named after the ethnicity of the group. Little Italy, China Town, Little Russia, etc. In many cases if you were not apart of this culture you were not welcome in these neighborhoods. The tension caused by this type of interaction caused many young kids to battle against each other orally and physically over turf. I was transported from a place of civil and racial harmony to a place charged by racial tension and violence. This did not make any sense to me because when you dissect the issues it boiled downed to ignorance. Each...
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...A WORLD WITHOUT ISLAM Imagínese, si se quiere, un mundo sin Islam - Es cierto que un estado casi inconcebible de los asuntos, dada su centralidad en nuestros cargos titulares de las noticias diarias. El Islam parece estar detrás de una amplia gama de trastornos internacionales: ataques suicidas, atentados con coches bomba, ocupaciones militares, luchas de resistencia, disturbios, fatwas, jihads, la guerra de guerrillas, videos amenazadores, y 9/11 en sí. ¿Por qué suceden estas cosas? "El Islam" parece ofrecer una piedra de toque analítica inmediata y sin complicaciones, lo que nos permite dar sentido a mundo convulso de hoy. De hecho, para algunos neoconservadores, el "islamofascismo" es ahora nuestro enemigo jurado de una posible "tercera guerra mundial". Pero me lo permiten por un momento. ¿Qué pasaría si no existiera tal cosa como el Islam? ¿Qué pasa si nunca hubiera habido un profeta Mahoma, no hay saga de la expansión del Islam a través de vastas zonas del Oriente Medio, Asia y África? Teniendo en cuenta nuestro intenso enfoque actual sobre el terrorismo, la guerra y anti-americanismo rampante - algunas de las cuestiones internacionales más emotivos de la jornada - que es vital para entender las verdaderas fuentes de estas crisis. Es el Islam, de hecho, el origen del problema, o tiende a mentir con otros factores menos obvios y más profundo? Por el bien del argumento, en un acto de imaginación histórica foto, un Oriente Medio en el que el Islam nunca hubiera aparecido...
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...COR 130 Individual Research Paper The Aztecs and the role of Human Sacrifice The Aztec was a culture that dominated the Valley of Mexico in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. All the Nahua-speaking peoples in the Valley of Mexico were Aztecs, while the culture that dominated the area was Tenochca. At the time of the European conquest, they called themselves either "Tenochca" or "Toltec," which was the name assumed by the bearers of the Classic Mesoamerican culture, stated in Manuel Aguilar-Moreno’s book, Handbook to Life in the Aztec World. Sadly, many of the Aztec didn't survive after the arrival of the Europeans. But during the earlier years, the Aztec became one of the most advanced civilizations because of their religion, war, and agriculture. The Aztecs gained an infamous reputation for their bloodthirsty human sacrifices with explicit tales of the beating heart being ripped from the still-conscious victims, decapitation, skinning and dismemberment. All of these things did happen but it is important to remember that for the Aztecs the act of sacrifice was a strictly ritualized process that gave the highest possible honor to the gods and was regarded as a necessity to ensure mankind’s continued prosperity. The Aztecs were not the first civilization in Mesoamerica to practice human sacrifice; human sacrifice was practiced to some extent by many peoples in Mesoamerica and around the world for many centuries. But it was the Aztec empire that really took the ritual...
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... Nueva Zelanda y Timor Oriental). La mayoría de países latinoamericanos han abolido la pena de muerte, mientras que en países como los Estados Unidos de América, Guatemala y la mayoría de los estados delCaribe aún sigue siendo aplicada. En Asia la pena de muerte está permitida en democracias como Japón e India. EnÁfrica, aún se usa en Botsuana y Zambia. En muchos países donde aún se aplica la pena de muerte, se usa como un castigo para crímenes de asesinato,espionaje, traición, o como parte del Derecho militar.1 En algunos países se aplica también para castigar delitos sexuales, siendo considerados como tales el adulterio o la sodomía. También se castiga con pena de muerte en otros países la apostasía, la renuncia formal a la propia religión. En China, el tráfico de personas y los casos graves decorrupción política son castigados con la pena de muerte. En algunos países la pena de muerte se utiliza por motivos políticos, con la máxima difusión...
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...The Boxer rebellion is one of the most famous wars in Chinese history. It took place in the 1900s, when China had lost several wars against foreign countries and Japan, they threatened the Qing dynasty to sign several unfair treaties, such as extraterritorial rights and immunities from the Qing dynasty’s law. China was just like nonexistent country because foreign countries were each ruling different parts of China. At the fall of the Qing dynasty, a long drought followed by several floods and aggression by foreign countries [History.com Staff. 2009]. People were suffering from hunger, unfair rights and poverty. As a result, there was hatred and xenophobic reactions among the Chinese. Qing Empress Dowager Cixi declared a war on 8 nations. [History.com...
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...to any great serpent, not necessarily mythological, and this usage was also current in English up to the 18th century. Morphology A dragon is a mythological representation of a reptile. In antiquity, dragons were mostly envisaged as serpents, but since the Middle Ages, it has become common to depict them with legs, resembling a lizard. Dragons are usually shown in modern times with a body like a huge lizard, or a snake with two pairs of lizard-type legs, and able to emit fire from their mouths. The European dragon has bat-like wings growing from its back. A dragon-like creature with wings but only a single pair of legs is known as a wyvern. Comparative mythology Further information: Chaoskampf, Sea serpent, Proto-Indo-European religion § Dragon or Serpent and Serpent (Bible) The association of the serpent with a monstrous opponent overcome by a heroic deity has its roots in the mythology of the Ancient Near East, including Canaanite (Hebrew, Ugaritic), Hittite and Mesopotamian. Humbaba, the fire-breathing dragon-fanged beast first described in the Epic of Gilgamesh is sometimes described as a dragon with Gilgamesh playing the part of dragon-slayer. The legless serpent (Chaoskampf) motif entered Greek mythology and ultimately Christian mythology, although the serpent motif may already be part of prehistoric Indo-European mythology as well, based on comparative evidence of Indic and Germanic material. Saint George Killing the Dragon, 1434/35, by Martorell Although...
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... On the basis of this precedence, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Masons of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was established. It holds the distinction of being the third oldest Grand Lodge in the world, and the oldest in the Western Hemisphere. A Grand Lodge is the governing body that ensures the activities of the lodges within its jurisdiction comply with the Constitutions and Regulations of the Grand Lodge, as well as maintain the uniformity of the ritual ceremonies that initiates experience when becoming members. 2013 marked the 280th Anniversary of Freemasonry in Massachusetts. The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts represents more than 32,000 Masons belonging to 230 lodges throughout the Commonwealth, as well as in Panama, Chile, China (meeting in Tokyo, Japan), and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Its historic headquarters is located at the corner of Tremont and Boylston Streets, across from the Boston Common, where it has resided since 1859. The presiding officer, known as the Grand Master, is elected to serve three consecutive, one-year terms. It is a volunteer position. On December 27th, 2013, Harvey John Waugh of Lynnfield, MA was installed the 88th Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts. The Grand Master is referred to as “Most Worshipful.” Masons use the original definition of...
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