Premium Essay

Mc Donalds in France


Submitted By animatrix102
Words 794
Pages 4
Assignment Worksheet Format

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Use the space that you need to answer each question thoughtfully and thoroughly.
Submit a hard copy of this worksheet in class, and attach a copy of the news article.

Group Participants:

1. _______________________ 3. ____________________

2. _______________________ 4. ____________________

Article Title:
Name of Publication/Periodical (from approved list):
Author: (if specified)
Date article was published:

1. Which one, specific US company is the focus of this news article? a. Specific US company. b. In which specific country/region of the world is this company’s business the topic of the article?

2. What is the main idea of article? a. Provide a brief summary.

3. From the article, can you describe the target market? a. Provide a brief description of the target market b. What makes you think that this is the target market?

4. Please describe in detail the marketing challenge(s) faced by this US company in the international business situation that is the topic of the news article.

a. Description of marketing challenges. Mc Donald’s challenge here is to offer a sandwich specifically for the people in France, a “Baguette”.The sandwich consists of a burger topped with French-made Emmental cheese and mustard. France is a difficult market because they are used to high quality products.

b. What is the role for marketing in meeting these particular challenges? The role of marketing here is to offer them a Baguette in a sandwich, bread that they are fans of, research shows that 98% of French people eat bread every day. Research also showed that 65% of the two billion sandwiches sold each year are baguette based.

c. Describe in detail what marketing should do/ is

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