Premium Essay

Meaning Of Truth In Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha

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Pages 4
What is the meaning of truth? After some research it’s concluded that there is no set definition of "truth" anyone could have a different opinion due to specific events in their life. Siddhartha found his definition of truth through a long journey he decided to take as a young man with his life long friend Govinda. Eventually Siddhartha and Govinda took separate paths, but in the end it helped them each find their own definition of truth and lead them to enlightenment. Growing up Siddhartha was the perfect son; he was smart, kind to his family, and good looking. However to Siddhartha that wasn't enough, he wanted to reach enlightenment the universal understanding of life; he wanted the truth. Realizing that he will not find the truth within his home, the Brahmins, Siddhartha changes course and heads to the Samanas, with Govinda on his tail. Living with the Samanas, Siddhartha follows their ways of teaching by the belief that true enlightenment comes when the Self is destroyed or completely negated. His main goal is to become empty, lose his dreams, wishes, passions, and become one with the earth in hopes his innermost will awaken. Govinda …show more content…
With Govinda’s presence, Siddhartha learns he to has not reached enlightenment, but Govinda is still learning from the teachings. This time Siddhartha lives by the river due to the strong affection towards it and the return of his inner voice. The ferryman, Vasudeva is the perfect teacher for Siddhartha, he does not teach, instead he has Siddhartha learn from the river, and the most important thing is that time does not exist; you must live in the presence. Through the river and understanding that opposites can coexist, Siddhartha finally finds the truth and reach enlightenment. He learns to live without a fear of time, and learn in the moment, constantly searching will not help reach enlightenment, and he had to wait for it to reach

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