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Legislative Branch Of Government

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Legislative makes laws congress is composed of two parts: the senate and the House of Representatives. Senate has 100 elected senators per state. Each senator serves a 6 year term. The House has 435 voting representative serves a 2 year term and may be re-elected. The executive branch is composed of the president, Vice president and cabinet members. The president is the head of state, head of the u.s. government and the commander-in-chief of the u.s. military. The vice president not only supports the president, but also acts as the presiding officer of the senate. The cabinet members are nominated by the president and must be approved by the senate(with at least 51 votes).The judicial branch of governments is made up of the court system. The …show more content…
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia; .The unlawful service, distribution, sale, possession, consumption, or other unlawful use of alcoholic beverages; .Unlawful behaviors involving alcohol, drugs or controlled substances including, but not limited to, underage drinking, public intoxication which impacts the CIA, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and manufacturing, distributing, and using false identification;. The unlawful use, purchase and distribution of medication, including but not limited to, prescription ,and over-the-counter medications. The reckless or intentional a) acts that endanger mental or physical health, or conduct which creates a substantial risk of injury, to a person in the course of initiation or affiliation with any organization, club or institution. Any activities involving the forced consumption of alcohol or drugs, including activities encouraging consumption of large amounts of alcohol or repeated consumption of Alcohol in a confined amount of time. At the turn of the century, many drugs were made illegal when a mood of temperance swept the nation. In 1914, Congress passed the Harrison Act, banning opiates and cocaine. Alcohol prohibition quickly followed, and by 1918 the U.S. was officially a …show more content…
If the Supreme Court decides that a law passed by Congress is not allowable, then the law is considered 'unconstitutional' and is erased. This gives the Supreme Court a tremendous amount of power. DWI and Hybrid DWI courts have a variety of elements that set them apart from the Adult drug court model. While public safety is a priority among all models of drug courts, drinking and driving is a major public safety issue for our communities and our criminal justice system. The main goal of DWI and Hybrid DWI courts is to reduce or eliminate repeat DWI offenses; thereby creating safer roads and saving lives. The detection of alcohol is difficult, requiring more sophisticated testing. Transportation issues tend to be one of the most difficult obstacles for offenders to overcome. To effectively manage these issues and to best treat this population, DWI and Hybrid DWI courts utilize increased supervision, frequent alcohol and other drug testing, including scientifically validated technology to detect ethyl alcohol, and driver’s license reinstatement

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