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Checks And Balances In The United States

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When the founding fathers created the Constitution they had in their thoughts and minds what they wanted to write. Checks and balances are important to three levels of government: the legislative, judicial, and executive. The executive branch is a branch is a federal and state government. The executive branch is held by the president and the vice president is also part of the executive branch. The judicial branch is a made to explain the laws. The judicial branch is made up of the supreme court. The legislative branch there most important job is to make laws. The legislative branch is made up of houses of representatives and senate. The separations of power provide a shared power known as checks and balances.

The constitution is one of the most important things in history its gone hand and hand with many different things including things that are happening today in our society. The constitution separates the government into three separate branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. Each branch has there own distinguished power which in that case is called the separations of powers. Each branch checks on the other branches powers and they use a system called checks and balances.This means that no branch can gain too much power against the other branches. The president in the executive branch can veto a law, but the legislative branch can override that veto with enough votes. …show more content…
James Madison stated, “power ought to be mistrusted” and no one person should have enough power to control themselves. They developed checks and balances as a way to balance the power among the three branches of government: Legislative, Judicial, and

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