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3 Constructs Of Attraction Research Paper

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Elaboration on construct: Chapter three breaks down attraction into three categories, physical, social attraction, and task attraction, I would like to focus on these three attractions throughout this construct, (McCrosky & McCain, 1974).
Physical attraction is when somebody is drawn to one’s attire, hair, clothes, eyes and general appearance.
Social attraction is when somebody is socially attracted to an individual based off of the social setting, however social attraction does not mean that somebody is physically attracted to them.
The final attraction is task attraction, which means someone is desired to help achieve a goal, such as a career goal, financial goal, or group goal. An example of this would be a student wanting to partner with a fellow student who shows a broader knowledge of class material.
Why this construct appeals to you (be specific): The big three (physical, social and task attraction) are something that I can relate to in my life and think of specific examples of when each has taken place and why. …show more content…
When one assesses physical attraction they are more willing to consider the opportunity to engage with someone intellectually, etc. Speaking for myself, when I engage in a relationship my motive is usually fueled by a physical attraction, once a conversation is struck with the individual appears to be a mutual interest then more attraction may arise, but primarily physical attraction is what leads into my (personal) relationships with the opposite

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