...of the part of Bangladesh is plain. Another interesting thing is Bangladeshi people naturally good in farming. Agricultural sector is the single largest contributor to GDP. The crop sub-sector dominates the agriculture sector contributing about 72% of total production. Fisheries, livestock and forestry sub-sectors are 10.33%, 0.11% and 7.33% Respectively. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY These research objectives regarding our assignment are – ➢ To know about agriculture. ➢ To know about the Agriculture in Bangladesh ➢ To describe the Paddy Rice Sector in Bangladesh ➢ To know, Paddy Rice Production Cost in Bangladesh ➢ To find out estimates of Boro Rice in Bangladesh, 2010-2012. ➢ To describe the cost of Boro Rice Production during the April-June 2009 Harvesting Season ➢ To measure cost of Production of Boro Paddy in Comilla, 2013 ➢ To Measure cost and Return of HYV Boro Paddy in Comilla District ➢ To find out Problems of Agriculture in Bangladesh ➢ To reveal Opportunities of Agriculture in Bangladesh ➢ Recommend some necessary steps to solve the existing problems. METHODOLOGY Assigned report topic is “Measuring the cost of production and return of boro paddy in Comilla district”. The paper is based on both primary and secondary data sources. Data and information from secondary sources were collected by consulting various relevant journals, studies conducted by various donor and development agencies, two relevant respondents, the information...
Words: 4770 - Pages: 20
...Chapter III: Budget for FY 2011-12: Problems and Corrections Revised Revenue Targets, Revised Expenditure Targets, Budget Deficit, Revised ADP, Recent Economic Scenario, Economic Strategies Chapter IV: FY2011-12 Budget Structure Assumptions: Global Economy, Monetary and Fiscal Space, Sustained Growth in Agriculture, Private Sector Investment, Revenue Mobilisation, Inflation Structure: Estimates of Revenue Income, Estimates of Expenditure, Budget Deficit and Financing, Annual Development Programme, Overall Expenditure Structure Chapter V: Reform Programmes Public Financial Management: Medium Term Budget Framework, Multi-module Database (iBAS), Reforms in Expenditure Management, ADP Implementation, New Budget Classification Structure and District Budget, Information Technology in the Public Financial Management, Strengthening Audit Ensuring Private Participation in the Infrastructure Sector: Public-Private Partnership, Institutional Framework, Progress of PPP Projects and Future Plans 8-11 12-14 14-15 16-18 18-19 Financial Sector: Sovereign Credit Rating, Modernisation of Bangladesh Bank, Reforms in Financial Sector, Anti-Money Laundering, Reforms in Insurance Sector Capital Market: Capital Market Restructuring, Surveillance and Clearing & Settlement System, Financial Reporting Act and...
Words: 47837 - Pages: 192
...Bangladesh List of Acronyms ADB ASA BBS BDT BEES BIDS BKB BMDA BRAC BRDB BSBL CARB CBO CBN CDF CFPR CIDA COSOP CPD DANIDA DFID DOL DOF EC FSP FSS FY GB GDP GOB HCP HIES IBBL IFAD IGA IGVGD InM JC LGED ME MFMSP Asian Development Bank Bangladeshi NGO (formerly Association for Social Advancement) Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Bangladesh Taka Bangladesh Extension Education Services Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies Bangladesh Krishi Bank Barind Multi-Purpose Development Authority Building Resources Across Communities (Largest NGO) [Formerly Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee] Bangladesh Rural Development Board Bangladesh Sanchya Bank Limited Center for Agricultural Research-Barind (a Bangladeshi MFI) Community Based Organization Cost-of-basic-needs Credit and Development Forum Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction Programme Canadian International Development Agency Country Strategic Opportunities Paper (of IFAD) Centre for Policy Dialogue Danish International Development Agency Department for International Development Department of Livestock Department of Fisheries European Commission Financial Service for the Poorest Financial Self-sufficiency Fiscal Year Grameen Bank Gross Domestic Product Government of Bangladesh Hardcore Poor Program Household Income and Expenditure Survey Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited International Fund for Agricultural...
Words: 67541 - Pages: 271