Premium Essay

Media and American Culture


Submitted By JennaCup
Words 516
Pages 3
University of Phoenix Material

Effects of Mass Media Worksheet

Write brief 250-to 300-word answers to each of the following:

What were the major developments in the evolution of mass media during the 20th century? How did each development influence American culture?

The evolution of technology has been constantly advancing, in the 20th century, because of this there has been major developments in the evolution of mass media. In the beginning of the 20th century the main sources of mass media were newspapers. Newspapers gave the local people a way to learn about the world around them; politics, war, and crime. Then, the radio, which was first used for the navigation of ships. It saves thousands of lives and helped isolate ships. The introduction of mass media into the American home was the radio. The radio was the first wireless technology that offered knowledge and entertainment in our homes. Dramatic and political events now had large captive audiences, as they happened. Advertisers took full advantage of the radio. They had large groups of people listening to them at the same time, this crated the first tends in ready-made clothing and the encouragement of the unified American lifestyle. Next, the television came in the American household, it added visual stimulate for our entertainment. The American people now had a way to watch news, dramas, game shows, or politics in the comfort of our own homes. The television impacted American culture dramatically, they now knew what was happening in the country. Within 7 years, two-thirds of American homes owed a television, one–by-one every house had one. What we saw on television’s reflected what was happening in our society, in the 1940’s white males were in authority and power positions so in shows and movies we see the white males in the hero or power roles. That influence what the viewer’s belief about

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