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Medicaid Reimbursement Case Study

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Part II: Medicaid Reimbursement: Cost of Patient

Costs matter in healthcare industry, and often, Medicaid have cut the physicians’ charge down to forty percentage of Medicaid care. Nevertheless, Medicaid reimbursement cuts are even lower, in which have affect the physicians’ decision whether to accept new Medicaid patient or not. As this matter continues, solutions are needed to restraint these matters into hands and improves the quality of services and cares. First solution is the bottom-up approach, this method usually developed from the below where the manager and sub-unit departments level to review and identify the problems within the organization. For example, as insurers fire a reimbursement program to hospital and/or physician, they enquires them to down-charges or substitute the treatments, surgeries, or any services for patient, the physician seem to be discourages and refuses to negotiate. In this case, the cost seem to be the issue that cause a rift between physician and patient through the Medicaid Reimbursement program. If, it was accepted and treated, the quality of care and services may not be what patients wanted to be and lead to mistrust. …show more content…
This will reduce the plus charges, complaints, and determine a set price where both physician and reimbursement programs comes to an agreement. The bottom-up approach strengthens the health system and assure patient with the best quality of care and the advantage of this method allow physician, hospital, or clinic to have high visibility, and deploy coverage at early phases, and reduces the concerns that can be

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