...Personality disorders such as narcissism may not seem very harmful, but having high levels of narcissism may cause distress and pose various risks to the emotional and psychological health of individuals (Clifton, Turkheimer & Oltmanns, 2009; Panek, Nardis & Konrath, 2013). Narcissists form relationships to receive validation rather than forming lasting and intimate relationships (DeWall et al., 2011), this may negatively impact their ability to sustain healthy and mutually fulfilling relationships (Panek, Nardis & Konrath, 2013). Also, some individuals with high levels of aggression and narcissism may react with hostility when condemned or disagreed with, which could pose a threat to society (Panek, Nardis & Konrath, 2013). Thus, it is important to examine whether SNSs play a role in either the promotion of narcissistic behaviours or the maintenance of narcissistic behaviours. Narcissism and SNSs...
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...Since Jenny’s mother was born with some birth defects, it is possible her mother developed narcissism because of looking at her inner feelings and not believing what everyone else said about her. It is true, however, that Narcissistic Personality Disorder also contributes to the biological side as well. While the environmental side focuses more on how someone is taken care of and raised from infancy to adulthood, biology examines what could happen inside the body of someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. According to Paris, there is still research being conducted as to what exactly causes someone to be narcissistic. However, Paris mentions that there are certain traits a parent might pass down to their child. Therefore, the child is already predisposed to Narcissistic Personality Disorder (like...
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...Barnabus “Barney” Stinson: A Legen….Wait for It…Dary but Brief Character Analysis Ivy Tech Community College PSYC 101 Barnabus “Barney” Stinson: A Legen….Wait for It…Dary but Brief Character Analysis Barnabus “Barney” Stinson is one of the main characters of the show “How I Met Your Mother”, portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris. “How I Met Your Mother” is a comedy sitcom on CBS about five friends living in New York, which centers on Ted Mosby and his quest to find true love. The series is narrated by the future Ted Mosby telling his children an extremely long and elaborate story about how he met their mother. Barney Stinson is one of Ted’s best friends, and a great source of comedy for the show. Barney is a serial womanizer with father issues and questionable actions. He has a unique personality and uses crazy and elaborate tactics to seduce women. His single mother raised Barney and his older brother James. Barney and James both asked about their fathers but their mother would either lie to them or change the subject. Throughout his childhood, Barney was constantly lied to by his mother to protect his feelings. For example, Barneys mother told him he could not play on the basketball team because he was to good and it would be unfair to the other players, when in reality the coach did not want him on the team. Barney was an unpopular child and was picked on and bullied by other kids his age. One major thing that happened in Barneys adulthood that helped shape his character...
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...explore the concept of Narcissism and Machiavellianism and the effect of these on a person’s personality as a whole. Narcissism, personality trait of egoism, conceit, or simple selfishness and Machiavellianism, employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct, if in excess seem to have a negative effect on a person’s behaviour. The characteristics of the person indulging in these traits are analysed through this research and also the effects of their presence in excess to . Machiavellianism and narcissism can be called to be some of the most important and governing constituents of one’s personality and thus governs the behaviour of people at their workplace or in their decision making to a great extent. Consequences of very high or very low Machiavellianism and narcissism can be grave and therefore effects of both these conditions are evaluated. Also methodologies to determine the level of Narcissism and Machiavellianism in an individual are discussed through this paper. Hopefully this research will provide insights to the positive and negative effects of Narcissism and Machiavellianism and assist the reader in avoiding or minimising the negative effects of these. Narcissism The term was coined by Freud after Narcissus who in Greek myth was a pathologically self-absorbed young man who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool. It refers to the personality trait of egoism, conceit, or simple selfishness. Applied to a social group, it is sometimes...
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...April J. LaytonPsychology Branz Narcissistic Personality Disorder Overview of the study Narcissistic Personality Disorder, NPD, in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders- Fourth Edition describes that the foundation “lack of empathy” in NPD is entirely based on clinical observation and expert consensus. However, a similar apprehension and empirical, or publicly observed, evaluation of the criterion “lack of empathy” in this disorder are inadequate, making the intent in this study was to empirically determine compassion in patients with narcissism according to the DSM-IV. This disorder is a severe mental disorder with popular rates of up to 6% in general population, unrelenting functional impairment, and high suicide rates. This disorder was established as an individual foundation, criterion 8, in the DSM-III-R (1994), which explains the “inability to recognize and experience how others feel”. It was also affirmed in the DSM-IV and the DSM-IV-TR as criterion seven. More studies that have been based on the DSM-IV also uncovered low diagnostic accuracy of the criterion “lack of empathy”. The hypothesis is: the discrepancy is due to the fact that no theoretical constitute influences the NPD criterion “lack of empathy” in the DSM (1983), and so its assessment may be destitute. Participants Recruited were 47 inpatients that had been diagnosed with NPD by the Department of Psychiatry, Charité — Universitätsmedizin Berlin and contributing German...
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...1. Introduction There is a resurgence in the trait personality approach to understanding work-related behaviour and performance (for a current review, see Burch & Anderson, 2008). In particular, there is growing interest in the personality of leaders. For example, a recent meta-analysis into the trait-leadership relationship found leadership to be positively correlated with extraversion, openness, conscientiousness, and negatively related to neuroticism (Judge, Bono, Ilies, & Gerhardt, 2002). While there is this developing literature considering the ‘normal’ personality of leaders, another literature is growing alongside – that of the ‘dark side’ of leadership personality, that is, more negatively connotated traits (e.g., Hogan & Hogan, 2001). The study of the ‘dark side’ of personality has an important role in helping organizations identify those with the potential for ‘derailment’, deviant behaviours, and poor work performance (e.g., Furnham and Taylor, 2004, Hogan and Hogan, 2001 and Moscoso and Salagdo, 2004). Within this literature, a relationship between the ‘dark side’ and transformational leadership has often been alluded to (see Parry & Proctor-Thomson, 2002), yet there is limited empirical research investigating this relationship. Transformational leadership has been described by Bass and Avolio (2004) as encouraging other people to perform and develop beyond what is normally expected of them, and differs from transactional leadership, which refers to...
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...ASSIGNMENT/ASSESSMENT ITEM COVER SHEET Student Name: FIRST NAME Family / last NAME Student Number: Email: yiuapril430@yahoo.com Course Code Course Title (Example) (Example) Campus of Study: Hong Kong (eg Callaghan, Ourimbah, Port Macquarie) Assessment Item Title: Bob Knowlton case study Due Date/Time: Tutorial Group (If applicable): Word Count (If applicable): Lecturer/Tutor Name: James Hunt Extension Granted: Yes No Granted Until: Please attach a copy of your extension approval NB: STUDENTS MAY EXPECT THAT THIS ASSIGNMENT WILL BE RETURNED WITHIN 3 WEEKS OF THE DUE DATE OF SUBMISSION I declare that this assessment item is my own work unless otherwise acknowledged and is in accordance with the University’s academic integrity policy available from the Policy Library on the web at http://www.newcastle.edu.au/policylibrary/000608.html I certify that this assessment item has not been submitted previously for academic credit in this or any other course...
Words: 2788 - Pages: 12
... Narcissistic And Psychopathic Leaders 1st EDITION Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Τηε “υτηορ ισ ΝΟΤ α Μενταλ Ηεαλτη Προφεσσιοναλ. Τηε “υτηορ ισ χερτιφιεδ ιν Χουνσελλινγ Τεχηνιθυεσ. Εδιτινγ ανδ Δεσιγν: Λιδιϕα Ρανγελοϖσκα “ Ναρχισσυσ Πυβλιχατιονσ Ιμπριντ Πραγυε & Σκοπϕε 2009 ♥ 2009 Χοπψριγητ Λιδιϕα Ρανγελοϖσκα Ναρχισσυσ Πυβλιχατιονσ “λλ ριγητσ ρεσερϖεδ. Τηισ βοοκ, ορ ανψ παρτ τηερεοφ, μαψ νοτ βε υσεδ ορ ρεπροδυχεδ ιν ανψ μαννερ ωιτηουτ ωριττεν περμισσιον φρομ: Λιδιϕα Ρανγελοϖσκα ? ωριτε το: palma@unet.com.mk ορ το vaksam@mt.net.mk “λλ ριγητσ φορ τηισ βοοκ αρε φορ σαλε. Λιτεραρψ αγεντσ ανδ πυβλισηερσ, πλεασε χονταχτ Λιδιϕα Ρανγελοϖσκα. |Το γετ ΦΡΕΕ υπδατεσ οφ τηισ βοοκ ϑΟΙΝ τηε Ναρχισσισμ Στυδψ Λιστ. | |Το ϑΟΙΝ, ϖισιτ ουρ Ωεβ σιτεσ: | |http://www.geocities.com/vaksam/narclist.html ορ | |http://www.narcissistic-abuse.com/narclist.html ορ | |http://groups.yahoo.com/group/narcissisticabuse | ςισιτ τηε “υτηορ∍σ Ωεβ σιτε: http://samvak.tripod.com Βυψ οτηερ βοοκσ αβουτ πατηολογιχαλ ναρχισσισμ ανδ ρελατιονσηιπσ ωιτη αβυσιϖε ναρχισσιστσ ανδ πσψχηοπατησ ηερε: http://www.narcissistic-abuse.com/thebook.html Χρεατεδ βψ: Λιδιϕα Ρανγελοϖσκα, Σκοπϕε ΡΕΠΥΒΛΙΧ ΟΦ Μ“ΧΕΔΟΝΙ“ Χ Ο Ν Τ Ε Ν Τ Σ Pathological Narcissism – An Overview A Primer on Narcissism and the Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) The...
Words: 32352 - Pages: 130
...developing any close, loving relationships with others. Narcissus spent him life looking for the “perfect” partner. One day he fell in love with his own reflection and could not bear to be separated from his newfound love. He remained by the pool of water until he eventually died. The story of Narcissus shows us that having a narcissistic personality can have detrimental effects on not only our relationships but on our selves as well (Campbell, Foster, & Finkel, 2002). By proposing the following research question I hope to identify a possible correlation between narcissistic behaviour and relationship satisfaction. My question is “Do narcissists engage in behaviour that negatively affects their relationships which may lead to a decrease in relationship satisfaction?” A suitable way to distinguish a narcissist from a non-narcissist is to consider that narcissists are very self-oriented whereas non-narcissists are primarily others-oriented. This difference may be due to the fact that narcissists are focussed on self-love whereas non-narcissists more frequently focus on the needs of others. There are nine characteristics that define a narcissistic personality,...
Words: 4664 - Pages: 19
...asking if social medical use is negativly contributing to the growth of narcasissm. Narcassism is defined by psycologists as a personality disorder in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance was well as an extreme preoccupation with themselves. This is a very relevent topic in psychology because narcassism is considered a personality disorder. If social media is contributing to the prevelence of this personality disorder then is is important for psychologists to recognize this. Although...
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...Jodi Arias Articles These are some of the essays that I have written about the Jodi Arias trial. Many more to come. JODI ARIAS TRIAL: SECOND EXPERT WITNESS, ALYCE LAVIOLETTE UNDER SCRUTINY Alyce LaViolette is the second expert witness called by the defense in the Jodi Arias trial. Ms. LaViolette has a Masters degree and has worked since the 1970s in the field of domestic violence. She has been described by some as being a man hater. For instance, attorney and radio host Jenny Hutt, in her appearance on the Dr. Drew show, referred to Ms. LaViolette’s testimony in the following way: “I feel like she`s just a man hater…she`s clearly prejudicial, and she just reads that she doesn`t like men.” This criticism, valid or invalid, is also present in professional critiques, couched using terms such as “feminist perspective” and even extends to the personal reviews that can be found on Amazon.com. One reviewer, asked the question “did she ever meet a man who was not an abuser?” Obviously, the impression of Ms. LaViolette, as being a man hater, is legitimate in the minds of many people. She has left that impression with many readers and viewers of her work. This is not to say that Ms. LaViolette is a man hater, just because a number of people think her so. That would be unfair. It would be fair to say this. Her behavior, her writing, her court testimony, has left a significant number of people with the impression that she is a man hater. I don’t know if she is a man...
Words: 16334 - Pages: 66
...human being, and his quest put Victor in the position of a God-like figure. What Victor wanted was control. In doing so, Victor proved himself to be a true narcissist. “Victor exhibits, in fact, all the characteristics of the narcissistic personality disorder… [a] sense of self-importance; preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success...interpersonal disturbances, including exploitativeness, alternation between over idealization and devaluation, and lack of empathy” (Berman). While creating his idealized masterpiece, Victor never thought to analyze the consequences of his actions or even the feelings of the creature he hoped to breathe life into. The schism between Victor and the monster actually formed when his God-complex was fractured by his failings. Once the creature awoke, Victor realized that the monster he had created in adonis-like shape turned out hideous. “His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath... his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun-white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion and straight black lips” (Shelley 35). He wanted to be able to bring power into his life by creating another life, but he failed in his craft. The creature formed out of Victor’s narcissistic idealism did not turn out to be his image of perfection.The effect of the...
Words: 1952 - Pages: 8
...Sexual and Gender Identity, Personality, and Eating Disorders Outline 1. Sexual and Gender Identity a. Categorized as just that, sexual and gender identity disorders b. Some classifications include gender identity disorder, sexual dysfunctions, and paraphilia’s c. Biological contributions include physical disease, medical illness, prescribed medications, use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs d. Emotional patterns of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships, emotional instability, identity disturbance, chronic feeling of emptiness, and often show symptoms of agitated effort to avoid real or imaginary abandonment e. Cognitively causes paranoid thoughts, to the extreme of having repetitive suicidal thoughts f. Behaviorally; individuals have/ show serious and rigid personality traits that causes anguish to the individual and/ or cause problems at work, school, and/ or social relationships (impulsiveness, intense anger, and stress) 2. Personality Disorders a. Categorized by how an individual relates to the world b. Some classifications include antisocial personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder c. Biologically; genetics are responsible for personality (a connection between genetics and personality traits) d. Emotional components reflect on a disruptive childhood e. Cognitively, childhood experiences shape thought patterns in which it later becomes the individuals personality f. Behavioral wise, individuals act out their beliefs although the...
Words: 275 - Pages: 2
...following personality disorders: paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal. People with paranoid personality disorder are generally characterized by having a pattern of pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others. A person with paranoid personality disorder will nearly always believe that other people's motives are suspect or even malevolent. Individuals with this disorder assume that other people will exploit, harm, or deceive them, even if no evidence exists to support this expectation. Researchers today don't know what causes paranoid personality disorder. There are many theories, however, about the possible causes of paranoid personality disorder. Some of these theories are biological and genetic factors as well as social factors how a person interacts in their early development. If a person has this personality disorder, research suggests that there is a slightly increased risk for this disorder to be "passed down" to their children. Treatment of paranoid personality disorder typically involves long-term psychotherapy with a therapist that has experience in treating this kind of personality disorder. Medications may also be prescribed to help with specific troubling and debilitating symptoms. Schizoid Personality Disorder is characterized by a pattern of detachment from social relationships. A person with schizoid personality disorder often has difficulty expression emotions and does so typically in very restricted range. A person with this disorder may appear...
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...Narcissistic Personality Disorder involves superiority behavior, a lack of empathy for other people. People who are narcissistic are frequently described as self-centered and demanding. Narcissism is a less extreme version of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissism involves selfishness and power motives. Narcissists tend to have high self-esteem. However, narcissism is not the same thing as self-esteem; people who have high self-esteem are often humble, whereas narcissists rarely are. It was once thought that narcissists have high self-esteem on the surface, but deep down they are insecure. However, the latest evidence indicates that narcissists are actually secure. Not only that but, narcissists can be aggressive. Narcissists reacts to criticism with anger, shame or humiliation. They also take advantage of others to reach his or her own goals. Another symptom is that they exaggerates their own importance. In addition, they also exaggerate their achievements and talents as if it is something impossible. Moreover, entertains unrealistic fantasies about success, power, beauty, intelligence or romance. In addition, they have unreasonable expectation of favorable treatment. They also require constant attention and positive reinforcement from others. Narcissists are easily jealous. They disregard the feelings of others, lacks empathy. The also like to pursue mainly selfish goals. Also, narcissists are usually physically attractive and charming at first glance, so they may...
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