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Narcassism In Social Media

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The question of what causes narcissism is is a very relevent topic in todays society. It seems with the creation of more technology and ways to advertise yourself we are also seeing rising leves of narcissism. The question regarting these trends is asking if social medical use is negativly contributing to the growth of narcasissm. Narcassism is defined by psycologists as a personality disorder in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance was well as an extreme preoccupation with themselves. This is a very relevent topic in psychology because narcassism is considered a personality disorder. If social media is contributing to the prevelence of this personality disorder then is is important for psychologists to recognize this. Although …show more content…
This article was written by Soraya Mehizadeh. Soraya believes that social media is a prime enviroment that people can exploit narcassistic tendencies. She conducted a study in an attempt to positivly connect social media use to results from narcasissm tests. Her study was conducted with 100 college students who use social media sites such as facebook. Soraya was interested in non only analyzing the presence of narcassism in social media, but also the presence of self esteme boosting through social media. The author states that people who have tipically lower self-esteme will most likely be more eger to engage in online sites as a method to raise self-estem. The study was looking for a variety of outcomes. To measure narcassism and self estem levels two tests were used. The two tests used were the Rosenberg self-estem scale and the Narcissism Personality Inventory, also knon as the …show more content…
One of the pieces of evidence I found the most compelling was the study written about in the article. This study was conducted on 50 male and 50 female students at York University. The study asked the participants to log the number of times they checked their facebook per day and how long they spend on facebook in those sessions. The participants then took the NPI test and the Rosenburg Personality test. There were multiple sections of the facebook pages used during page analysis. The sections used were: about me, main photo, first 20 pictures available to public, the notes section, and the status update section. The study found that the number of times the participant viewed facebook was correlated with higher scores on the NPI test. There was also evidence showing a connection between self-esteem and the number of times facebook was checked per day. To fully understand the results you must understand why Social media provides a gateway for narcassitic tendencys. Social media provides a way for people to present themself to the public in the best light. Although the opposing article states that facebook is just used for interactions, this is simpally not the truth. In my personal life I have experienced this. I know many people who present themselves in a compleatly different way in person compared to online. I have also witnessed individuals presenting life events in an over exagerated way to gain

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