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Baseball Club Research Paper

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Baseball has been an extremely popular sport, not only in the United States, but in countries around the world since the 18th century. It was meant to be an entertaining game that would be harmlessly played among people of all ages, gender, and race. People would play the game just to escape from the stress of their everyday lives. But, by 1842, the innocent game took a turn when, “…nine prosperous businessmen and lawyers banded together to form the exclusive New York Knickerbocker Baseball Club. These men were dedicated to turning the sport into a “gentleman's” activity” (Baseball: American Eras). So how did such an innocuous game turn into an exclusive sport? By analyzing the baseball culture, one can see that the preconception towards white males has a big contribution to the …show more content…
The bases are placed in a diamond shape within the infield. The bases are evenly spaced for the player to cover the same amount of distance running from base to base. This reveals that there is a promotion of fair playing between teams. But, in the middle of the bases, directly in front of home plate, is the pitcher’s mound which is slightly raised above ground level. The pitcher is usually one of the best players on the team and is always highly recognized. Thus, the mound might be raised slightly to show the dominance of the pitcher over the rest of the players. It shows that the pitcher is placed above the other players and is the most important member. The baseball field shows a contradiction of beliefs – it gives off the impression that there is equality among the players and everyone has a fair chance, but there are instances where certain players are praised more than others. This indicates that the baseball culture is indecisive and does not have one main belief. They also demonstrate their equality and fair play in terms of whole teams, but inequality among players within the same

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