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Darwin's Philosophy Of Evolution And Communism

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Most Americans held to biblical morality throughout the nineteenth century and most of the twentieth century. Homes, churches, schools, businesses, and government agencies upheld and promoted Christian values and virtues. But Satan countered the spiritual influences in America by fostering false, anti-Biblical philosophies that would eventually erode our Christian heritage. He formulated the ideas of evolution and Communism which began to affect society in the latter half of the twentieth century. As liberal professors in universities and seminaries began to promote Charles Darwin’s philosophy of evolution and Communism, these false philosophies slowly began to permeate the American educational scene and some churches. In time, they would have a devastating effect upon American life. …show more content…
Darwin claimed that man had evolved from some apelike creature, and if man were an animal and had not been created in the image of God, man could not be answerable to God for his actions. The false philosophy of evolution seemed to free man from the burden of sin without the need of God. In the United States, some university professors reacted to evolution by turning their backs on Christianity and many prominent seminaries tried to work out a compromise between the new ideas and their faith. Eventually liberal theologians and socialists found the philosophy behind Darwin’s theories much to their liking. Many of these men also accepted the idea of the great lengths of time needed for evolution and thought that they could prove that the days of Genesis were not twenty-four hour days but long ages of time, thus rejecting the idea that God created all things

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