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Medical Ethics Framework

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This medical ethics paper is based on the principle of medical ethics framework with which the specific ethics article needed shall base the overall evaluation. “No Appointment Necessary? Ethical Challenges in Treating Friends and Family” is the English Journal of Medical ethics in this paper (Katherine J, 2014).
The article herein deals with the ethical issues coming or originating from medication or treatment of family and friends. Explanation and analysis of this medical ethics paper follow suit of the framework provided.
The framework in this case provides several steps with which the article is analyzed. This consists of a series of steps. These begin with the definition of an ethical issue involved in the article situation, …show more content…
These range from personal ethics of a physician, their professional values or the standards of best practice for the physician working environment. Other values that also need clarification are the ones enjoining the involved the patient, especially the friend or family. Clarification of the above set of values is important in the analysis of this paper. Personal values that could be tied with a medical case here would be including the normal privacy issues of a medic treating the friend or family member. In this case privacy is the main concern value where one requires safeguarding this aspect. Professional values have several options that should be exercised, with due privacy of any patient information. This among other values include valid prescription as well as respective hard measures and decisions made in a healthy condition which may affect of the relationship between patient and physician, in which case the IP here which is a friend and family. Medical organizations managing the profession recommend against care and concern for self or their family in exceptional situations that then bring an issue in this specific …show more content…
Environmental factors and other barriers are among such influencing factors. The environment surrounding the situational case here wouldn’t warrant such things like privacy and understanding between the IP and the professional to interact freely.Again the environmental setting does not allow free and economical medical ethics case as well as understanding that brings harmony between the two parties involved. Situating the contracting of the illness other for the treatment by a physician may affect the IP readiness to get services from a friend or family medic. These may either prove more of internal issues or cases rather than external (Katherine J,

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