...Hailey Lattimore ENG 101-027 Mrs. C Dawkins October 11, 2017 Evaluation Essay: Medical Marijuana Marijuana is one of the most beneficial drugs on the market. It’s a non-addictive, cheap, and natural drug that helps with several medical issues. It benefits several medical issues, like pain relief, that opioids can’t help or don’t help enough. Additionally, marijuana is a natural drug so there are not any dangers that come from additives. The cost is also a benefit because it’s easier to afford it, more so than opioid prescriptions. Unlike most opioids, marijuana is not an addictive drug if it’s just used for medical purposes. Opioids include oxycodone, hydrocodone, fentanyl, and many others, all of which have a history of being extremely...
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...In Virginia, a bill for medical marijuana is to be established on Tuesday by the Virginia house committee. However the bill was not passed, but if it had been passed medically prescribed marijuana can be used for medical purposes. However, many people believe marijuana is a gateway drug and can lead you to other harmful drugs. That is not the case because people have control over what they put into their bodies. Medical marijuana is legal in some states but it should also be legal in Virginia. Medical marijuana should be made legal in Virginia because it can help those with medical conditions, medical marijuana is a classified drug that has not caused a single death, and it can help those who are on chemotherapy. Medical marijuana can be used...
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...The use of marijuana in the medical world have always gone through much debate since some people doubt it’s medicinal properties. Maybe the general view on the public’s opinion about using the drug medicinally have changed drastically since depending on the type of media especially in the movies or news have always portrayed the drug to be used recreationally but, studies have shown that there are potential health benefits that can be link to the usage of marijuana or with its more common term weed. WHAT IS MEDICAL MARIJUANA (CANNABIS)? Medical marijuana comes from the flowers, bud and leaves of the marijuana (cannabis) plant to use as treatment for certain diseases or to relieve symptoms. The healing properties of marijuana are due to its...
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...MEDICAL MARIJUANA CARD Medical Marijuana Cards are issued by states or countries where there is legislation supporting the responsible use of cannabis for medical purposes. This card enables patients with a qualified medical doctor’s recommendation to cultivate, possess, and obtain cannabis for medicinal use. In light of this, a patient is expected to pay some certain fee in order to obtain a medical marijuana card from the state. This card is usually valid for 12 months in most cases and may be renewed after its expiration. Due to the wide rate of cannabis acceptance in the world – especially medical practitioners’ consistent advocacy for the positive effects it offers patients, over 22 states in the United States of America now issue these cards. Some others with legalized...
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..."Top 10 Pros and Cons - Medical Marijuana - ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. Smoking any kind of marijuana damages the “heart, brain, immune system, and lungs”. Smoking marijuana destroys learning and interferes with “memory, perception, and judgment”. Marijuana contains many chemicals including cancer-causing compounds that has been found in a high percentage of car crashes and workplace accidents. Cannabis, which is in marijuana, weakens the immune system and infects the lungs, it can also cause damage in the lining of the bronchial passage and the impairment of the immune cells. When using marijuana at an early age increases the chance for them to use cocaine, heroin, and become dependent on drugs when they are adults. Marijuana has over 400 unstable mixtures...
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...The Benefits for Legalizing Medical Marijuana: Annotated Bibliography Working thesis statement: Medical Marijuana should be legal in all the United States because there it can treat many medical conditions and the tax revenue it brings can help lower the national debt. Titus, R.D. (2016). Puff, Puff, Pass…That Law: The Changing Legislative Environment of Medical Marijuana Policy. Harvard Journal On Legislation, 53 (1), 39-58. Summary of article: In recent years, a few states have legalized medical marijuana for recreational use. The article identifies how the government is placing their taxes on the newly legalized drug. A sample of what I will be using from this article would be, “Federal income taxation of medical marijuana is the same as for cocaine or heroin; the only permitted adjustment to gross revenues in calculating federal taxable income is cost of goods sold.” (Titus pg. 2). There is a lot of information that I am looking for to help me with my paper. Assessment of article: I found this source on the school library. The author name is R. D. Titus and she is a writer at Harvard Journal. This articles publication was in 2016. The author and the article gave a lot of information about taxing the sale of medical marijuana in sates that already passed the law about recreational use and dispensaries selling the product. I found this article in the school library is it is 100% a scholarly article. I will be using as much information I can find that relates to my topic...
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...In this paper I am going to argue why Marijuana has medical usage and the benefits of having it legalized for that purpose. Does marijuana have any medicinal use? Quite a few say yes marijuana does have medical use and yes it should be made legal for that purpose. The people that think this way are correct marijuana does have medical use. It has been used as medicine since 2727 B.C. were the first recorded use of cannabis as medicine in Chinese pharmacopoeia but not only was it used in China but every part of the world. Humankind has used cannabis for a wide variety of health problems for not just centuries but over a millennium. But there are still people who deny that marijuana had medical use. These people who are wrong marijuana does have medical use. They also have their own scientific studies...
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...SAPP 407- Pharmacology Fall term junior yr. Term Paper Marijuana – Medicine, Menace, or What? There have been many arguments throughout history about whether marijuana is a source of medicine or whether it’s a gateway drug. This question may never truly be solved but there have been valid arguments for both sides. I would like to delve in on the topic by analyzing what the effects of marijuana are, what the positive and negative aspects of the drug are, and whether or not cannabis should be illegal. The first topic I would like to discuss is what the effects of marijuana are when it is used. The article Marijuana in Medicine: Past, Present and Future in the Western Journal of Medicine wrote about an experiment where marijuana was tested on animals. One reason why they found a lot of variability of reactions among the animals tested was because: “different batches of cannabis derivatives vary greatly in strength” (36). They go on to explain “there is a wide variation among humans in their individual responses to cannabis” (36). This brings light to a very important effect of marijuana, which is that it varies in strength from batch to batch. This is important to know when using the drug because it can affect people very differently based on the strength of the drug. Another effect of marijuana discussed by the Western Journal of Medicine is that cannabis “mildly stimulates, and then sedates the higher centers of the brain” (36). The article continues on to say that...
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...| Marijuana Legalization: Why Marijuana Should be Legalized in All Fifty States English 102 Final Paper Table of Contents I. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… 1 II. Is Marijuana a “Gateway Drug?” ……………………………………………………... 2 III. Arguments against Legalization ………………………………………………………. 3 VI. Recent Legalization Efforts …………………………………………………………… 4 V. Medicinal Uses of Marijuana …………………………………………………………. 5 VI. Economic Arguments Against Criminalization ………………………………………. 7 VII. Marijuana Cultivation and DTO ……………………………………………………... 8 VIII. From Decriminalization to Legalization …………………………………………… 8 IX. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………… 10 Marijuana Legalization: Why Marijuana Should be Legalized in All Fifty States I. Introduction The issue of marijuana legalization in the United States is a charged one that brings forth supporters and opponents arguments alike. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Uniform Crime Reports, one marijuana-related arrest occurs every forty-two seconds in the United States. The government conducted over 1.53 million drug-related arrests in 2011, 90% for possession alone, and nearly 50% due to marijuana (FBI Uniform Crime Report). State governments are currently responding to shifts in public opinion, especially given the recent legalizations that passed in Colorado and Washington. According to Gallup Polls, more Americans supported the legalization of marijuana than not in 2011 (50% vs. 46%)...
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...Medical Marijuana: More than a High Your Name COM/220 – Research Writing 8/2/2012 Instructor Name There has been much debate over the years about whether marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes. There are many arguments both for and against this issue. This paper will present facts to support the legalization of medicinal marijuana. It will also go over the arguments against the medical use of marijuana and show why these ideas are invalid. This can be a very morally based issue. Some people may ask, why is marijuana illegal when there are other substances frequently used that are so much worse for the human body? Others may say that the government made marijuana illegal for a reason. Marijuana has been legalized by state law for 16 U.S. states and DC, so why is it not legal for all 50 (Medical Marijuana ProCon, n.d.)? These are some of the things that will be addressed, along with many other questions that will be answered. By the end of this paper, it should be apparent that something should change. Marijuana should be legalized for medical use because of its advantages over other traditionally used drugs which are currently legal. The use of marijuana for its medical advantages has been recognized since before recorded history. There are written references that can be found as far back as the fifteenth century B.C. (Zeese, 1997). There were over 100 articles published in medical journals on the therapeutic use of cannabis between 1840 and 1900....
Words: 1907 - Pages: 8
...America’s Cash Crop “Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?” ― Bill Hicks The legalization of marijuana is a debate being held all over the country. Everyone has their own opinion on the whole idea of marijuana. There are legislators who think that if marijuana is legalized that it will be grown illegally, and medically abused. There are potheads who think it would be cool and that they would get cheaper weed. But what it comes down to are the numbers. Marijuana is a cash crop. How can Wisconsin say no to numbers like fourteen billion, and thirty five billion dollars? Can legalizing marijuana rescue Wisconsin’s economy? Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington. In seventeen states, and DC it is legal to have at least an ounce of marijuana. In fourteen of them it is legal to even have plants (ProCon). Should Wisconsin be state number eighteen? NBC News produced an article Marijuana Called US Cash Crop and within that article they state “The study estimates that marijuana production, at a value of $35.8 billion, exceeds the combined value of corn ($23.3 billion) and wheat ($7.5 billion).” Wisconsin is in forty six billion dollars of debt and increasing every second (WisconsinDebtClock). If marijuana can bring in millions of...
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...Medicalization of Marijuana The Stigma of a Miracle Drug March 25, 2014 Synopsis The following media review is based on a two part documentary which focuses on the healing qualities of medical marijuana in the treatment of Dravet’s syndrome along with a number of other illnesses. I researched the benefits of medical marijuana, specifically the medicalization of the plant and its derivatives. This includes the extraction and ingestion of cannabis oil in its pure form for the treatment of Dravet’s syndrome, a form of chronic epilepsy often found in children. This paper focuses on the history of the use of cannabis for its healing properties and provides a brief overview of the documentary which is the basis of the paper, detailing the importance of the medicalization of the cannabis plant for use in treating a number of ailments, including but not limited to the treatment of Dravet’s Syndrome and Autism in children. It was not until I watched the documentary which was recently aired on CNN entitled “Weed, Cannabis Madness” and its sequel “Weed 2” that I became interested in the healing qualities that this plant possesses and more specifically, its ability to treat children who are suffering from a condition called Dravet’s Syndrome. Dravet’s Syndrome is a form of chronic epilepsy which causes children to seize violently for upwards of 50 seizures per day. There is no cure for this disease, and for many children the drugs prescribed by their physicians such as...
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...Marijuana Legalization in the United States Elisha Havraniak Ottawa University LAS 30012 Writing and Critical Thinking in the Liberal Arts October 11, 2013 Marijuana Legalization in the United States Marijuana has had a long history as an illicit drug, but is quickly becoming a mainstream issue. Some people use marijuana to ease their pain and treat their illnesses. Many others use it because of it mood-altering effects. Laws have been passed to regulate both of these uses of the drug. Those who advocate legalization favor easing or overturning laws against the possession and use of marijuana for recreational purposes, medical use, or both. In general most proposals for legalization fall into one of three categories: decriminalization for recreational use, legalization for recreational use, or legalization for medical use. In opposition to these three choices is the option to keep marijuana illegal for both recreational and medical purposes. The purpose of this paper is to explore the facts, pros and cons, regarding the legalization of marijuana. The information for this paper was obtained from scholarly and peer reviewed journal articles, books, and online sources. The research questions answered are as follows; * Could the legalization of marijuana rescue our struggling economy or could it provide much need relief to the overcrowded prison system? * Will the legalization of marijuana lead to a regulation nightmare…can it even be regulated...
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...Marijuana: Legal or Illegal One of the most controversial health issue topic has to be medical marijuana. The herbal medicine is legal in some states but illegal in many. The question to ask is why it is illegal in many states. What are the benefits for medical marijuana? There are pro and cons to this drug but is there too many pros for it be illegal? Yes. The drug has been legal to become a component to help improve the life of patients. Although millions of dollars are used for the drug war for marijuana, one drug that has positive effects can change the American economy by producing marijuana. What is marijuana? Also known as Cannabis, marijuana is known for a drug and a medicine. The major chemical in the herbal medicine is THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). This chemical compound is the reason for some beneficial factors in medical. Some pros in making it legal would include stimulation of hunger in chemotherapy and AID patients, also patients with glaucoma. The medicine can be taken by vaporizing, smoking, drinking, eating and capsules. The best part of the drug is that there has been no lethal effect. No one has died from the consumption of marijuana. The THC in a person cannot be tested, such as a breathalyzer. The drug is grown naturally and it is coming through the soil, natural plants should not be illegal to have, especially a one that does much more. Growing cannabis would not only help the health system and lower drug wars cost, there would be more hemp, which is...
Words: 2005 - Pages: 9
...Cannabis Sativa, also known as marijuana, is a preparation of the cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or used as a medicine. Scientists have identified 483 different chemical compounds in Cannabis Sativa. The main ingredient in cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol, also abbreviated as THC. Cannabidiol, abbreviated as CBD, is a non-psychoactive oil derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant that is commonly used as a medicine; CBD comes from cannabinoids, one of the classes of chemical compounds that acts on cannabinoid receptors in cells that alter neurotransmitter release in the brain. Marijuana comes in many forms including oils, edibles, concentrates, etc. Marijuana doesn’t need to be smoked. The cannabis plant is one of the oldest...
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