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Medical Marijuana Card Research Paper

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Medical Marijuana Cards are issued by states or countries where there is legislation supporting the responsible use of cannabis for medical purposes. This card enables patients with a qualified medical doctor’s recommendation to cultivate, possess, and obtain cannabis for medicinal use. In light of this, a patient is expected to pay some certain fee in order to obtain a medical marijuana card from the state.
This card is usually valid for 12 months in most cases and may be renewed after its expiration. Due to the wide rate of cannabis acceptance in the world – especially medical practitioners’ consistent advocacy for the positive effects it offers patients, over 22 states in the United States of America now issue these cards. Some others with legalized …show more content…
• It gives one the right to grow marijuana. Although there are divergent laws on growing depending on the states, one can grow his or her own plant with the ownership of a medical marijuana card where it is allowed. One of the states which allow this is California. Here, growers are restricted it to owning 6 mature plants growing at a particular time.
• Growing varieties. This advantage is only enjoyed by those who are in states where growing is allowed. When one is opportune with this privilege, one can grow different varieties of marijuana to the taste he or she has always wanted.
• Legal protection. When a person has a card, it wards off any fear of the law which would strike when disobeyed. One should therefore ensure to get the legitimate card so as to confidently utilize the benefits.
What are the cons of having a medical marijuana card?
• Restriction from the use of a firearm. One obviously has to let go his or her 2nd amendment right when using the card; meaning, the purchase of firearm is not an option. It is hereby advised to choose the most expedient need and not conflict both which sway between protecting and healing

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