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Human Trafficking Facts

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Human Trafficking Myths and Facts
Human trafficking, nicknamed modern day slavery is one of the worst crimes that the U.S. is trying to completely abolish. Victims of this crime are exploited by the traffickers who force them into prostitution, involuntary labor etc.
Here are some myths and facts about human trafficking.
• Many believe that human trafficking happens only in poor countries and not in the U.S., while is not true. This crime does exists in the U.S. too. Cities, suburbs, rural towns and the communities where people live are places where this crime happens.
• Victims of human trafficking are not only poor women. Traffickers victimize men, women and children irrespective of their age, race and nationality. Likewise, traffickers do not only target those without legal status. Even Americans are also found to be victims of this crime. …show more content…
These people trust these traffickers who instead force them into various types of forced labor, domestic servitude and prostitution. Most of them who the traffickers target are undocumented immigrants who live in shadows due to dear of deportation. Many victims seem to have limited or no English proficiency. Most of them who fall prey also include those facing economic hardships and who are in vulnerable situations including those who are victims of natural disasters.
• As many think, it is not so easy to spot victims of human trafficking. Most of the victims are scared and they hide due to the fear that the traffickers might expose their undocumented status in case they seek help. U.S. Department of Homeland Security is taking all necessary steps to put an end to human trafficking. The agency is also calling upon the public to help it identify traffickers and victims. The agency wants the public to be aware of what is going on in their

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