...Human trafficking is the illegal act of using others for the purpose of forced labor or sexual exploitation. Throughout the years, it has become an increasing problem that society and authority figures overlook. Most Americans believe human trafficking, especially sex trafficking, happens only in underdeveloped and developing countries that exist in Asia or Africa, but the truth is that it can happen anywhere and to anyone. In Texas, human trafficking is condoned and children are placed in harmful conditions because people view sex-based offenses as victimless crimes. Most Americans view sex trafficking as a foreign, third world problem because they believe America is safe and sheltered from it. But the reality is that it happens in the United States too, especially in large populated states such as Texas. Since Texas has countless busy forms of transportation available, it “has been considered a top 3 major hub state for...
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...Human trafficking cases involving minors remain one of the most complicated aspects of the anti-trafficking efforts in Texas. While there is a common view that children who are caught up in human trafficking are victims, the best approach to the cases remains somewhat elusive –falling somewhere in between the juvenile justice and child welfare systems. Much of the focus of ant-human trafficking efforts has been on female domestic minor sex trafficking victims, as they represent most of known cases. However, male victims of sex trafficking are often overlooked. Stepping up the focus on male victims may also be an effective strategy to address one of the root causes of human trafficking. One study found that 72% of pimps were male, and 56%...
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...Human Trafficking United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) defines human trafficking as “the acquisition of people by improper means such as force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them”. UNODC notes that every country of the world is affected by human trafficking crimes. Therefore, the United States is not an exception. Smuggling of migrants is also often labelled as human trafficking although there are certain distinctions between them. At the same time, Chacon (2986) fairly points out: “the line between smuggling and trafficking is becoming increasingly blurry”. The United States is an attractive country for migrants from all over the world. Illegal migration is one of the major concerns of the US government. This illegal migration is a part of a broader problem which is human trafficking. This paper is an attempt to explore how human trafficking affects the US economy, and specifically how it affects Houston. Migrant smuggling refers to assistance to individuals to cross borders illegally. Usually such assistance is provided for financial gain. Individuals may illegal cross border for various purposes such as performing labour, including sex services (Chacon, 2981). Migrant smuggling is usually conducted under the coercive conditions (Chacon, 2981). The United States is majorly a destination or a transit territory for human trafficking ("Humantrafficking.org "). By different estimates, 4,500 to 17,500 people per year are trafficked to the country ("Humantrafficking...
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...Connor Opheij #41 Hollie Dawson Texas Gov’t 2306-408 8 April 2015 H.B. (8) Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force Recommendations House Bill 8 of the 83rd Legislature will increase the protection of victims relating to sexual exploitation and will allow prosecutors more ways to prosecute the criminal with higher punishments. Texas has been identified as a major hub for international human trafficking. In response to the growing human trafficking the 81st Legislature created the Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force to allow all statewide agencies to be able to work together in an efficient and productive manner. This same task force is responsible for House Bill 8 (H.B. 8) “and was charged with developing other policies and procedures to...
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...Human Trafficking: Let’s Make a Change Slavery was a big political issue starting in 1750. People were made to do things against their will or be beaten or even killed. Although slavery was not acknowledged as sex slavery it was more slave labor many media outlets, authors, and activists compare slavery from 1750 to sex trafficking that is going on today right in our own backyards. Human Trafficking is defined as the illegal trade of human beings for reproductive slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, forced labor, or a modern- day form of slavery by Wikipedia. In this piece I will discuss what Human Trafficking is, how Americans can educate the public about Human Trafficking, how we can educate law enforcement officials and medical personal to look for the signs of a person that is being victimized by a trafficker, and how we can provide help and support to people who have been victimized by human trafficking. Human Trafficking has become the second largest illegal industry and it brings in approximately $32 billion yearly (Johnson). Human Trafficking is a huge illegal business. The traffickers lure women and young girls into the business by making them promises of the good life such as money, fame, and escape from a home life that is abusive or neglectful. Traffickers are very good at what they do. They have gone high tech, by targeting young girls through social networks, traffickers also target teens that are on the streets, and teens that are being abused...
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...Directed Research Human Trafficking-The Sex Trade Research Paper Raquel Barbour Fall Semester 2012 Florida Gulf Coast University Table of Contents Introduction…………………………………………………………………...………...….……3 What is Human Trafficking? ……………………………………………………………..…...4 What is the Sex Trafficking? …………………………………………………..…………….5-6 The Case of Texas Sex Slaves.………….…………………………………………………....6-7 The Case of Houston Sex Slaves…………..…………………………………………………7-9 The Case of Cleveland Sex Slaves………..…………………………………………..…………9 The Case of the New Jersey Sex Slaves……….…………………………………………....10-11 All in the Family…………………………………………………………………………….12-13 The Polaris Project………………………………………………………………………….13-14 Conclusion…………………..…………………………………………………………………..14 References……………………………………………………………………..……………15-16 Introduction Human Trafficking is a crime against humanity. It involves an act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring or receiving a person through a use of force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them (Wylie, 2006). Every year, thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers, in their own countries and abroad. Every country in the world is affected by trafficking. The effect may be that the country is the country of origin for the victims. The country may be used as a transit underground tunnel for the traffickers. Finally the country that is affected by human trafficking may be the victims’ destination point and introduction to their hell on earth. Whichever...
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...Abstract: Globalization and movement for labor affect the United States all across the board. People find it hard to pull up and move to various locations around the world but for a better life for themselves and the family they often do so . Families do so for better wages to avoid crime, better education and sometimes are forced to. Immigrants take a chance for a better life by facing, crime, kidnapping and murdering order to get to various places in the United States. Texas border brings in more than half of the immigrants who illegally and legally come into the United States. Jon 13 34-35 gives us direction on how to treat others regardless if they are immigrants her illegally or legally . One status does not dictate this. “34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” People find it hard to pull up the roots that they have held tight to and move to a place they have never been. Although this is hard millions of non-American citizens have made the decision to move. The immigration that had the most impact took place around the eighteen hundreds, this was due to the Great Depression through the hard times in the 1930s. During this time over 60 million people immigrated too different parts of the world but more than half of those immigrants came to the United. States. Globalization and movement of labor...
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...Introduction A long history of the sex industry objectifying the female body for male pleasure continues to be widely prominent and relevant across the globe today. Annually, hundreds of thousands of America’s children and youth are being sexually exploited. This trafficking industry dates back to the late 1800s when children were first prostituted in the United States. Since then, the problem has been exacerbated by globalization and the emergence of the internet as a major source of communication. The increasing prominence of the media and internet allows for news to be easily shared. But because sex trafficking is a continuous issue, people have become desensitized to the harsh reality of the sex industry. Also, false news stories decrease...
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...Human trafficking has been in existence for since the beginning of America in the 1600s. In the last few years, the human trafficking trade has grown to become the second largest criminal empire worldwide. (14ju) It is modern-day slavery for people around the world. “"Human trafficking is a crime that impacts communities around the world," said Mayor Parker.”” (14ju) People have done many despicable acts to trap the children and adults into this world. There are many factors that cause someone to sell or trade a person to another person. The factors could be poverty-stricken, war, safety, or greed. The sad fact is that the world knows of this problem and yet there are not many things being done to stop this business. Human trafficking has...
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...Human Trafficking Humans are created to be free in this world. They are not goods or properties to be sold or traded. Thus human trafficking is an illegal practice. It uses humans for inhuman activities like prostitution and forced labor. Men, women, and children all over the world are facing human trafficking every day. According to UNODC, human trafficking is the transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons by using force, or other forms of abduction, or fraud, or of giving and receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. This kind of exploitation includes the sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, and slavery or practices similar to slavery (2013). Countries all over the world are affected by human trafficking (UN). Trafficking often occurs from less developed countries to more developed countries (UN). According to the Association of Flight Attendants, 12.3 million adults and children are exploited around the world, 56% are women and girls (2013). The International Labor Organization estimated that in 2005, 980,000 to 1,225 million boys and girls were forced into labor situation. As mentioned in Baumgardner work, human trafficking is expected to be the number one crime in America in 2012. Human trafficking is a 40 billion dollars a year industry. More than 100,000 children in the United States are forced to engage in prostitution each year. The United States...
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...Sex Trafficking and Slavery in the United States "She tied up my hands first, and then she put the tape over my mouth. And she put tape over my eyes," Debbie said. "While she was putting tape on me, Matthew told me if I screamed or acted stupid, he'd shoot me. So I just stayed quiet”...” Debbie said her captors drove her around the streets of Phoenix for hours. Exhausted and confused, she was finally taken to an apartment 25 miles from her home. She said one of her captors put a gun to her head”…” Debbie said she was then drugged by her captors and other men were brought into the room, where she was gang raped.” (Teen Girls’ Stories of Sex Trafficking in U.S.). Many Americans hear stories all the time of abduction and sexual slavery all around the world. They feel like something should be done about this injustice but since the acts are happening outside the country they feel disconnected. Unfortunately, most Americans are not as far from this problem as they would like to believe. Sex trafficking happens at an alarming rate in America. Between the years 1996-2000, America had the highest number of victims trafficked illegally into the country (Cullen-Dupont 44). With this high level of trafficking going on, why are many Americans unaware of this issue? They most likely believe that only foreign victims are trafficked into slavery, but the Texas Attorney General states that an epidemic exists of domestic women being forced into sexual slavery as well (Bellows 489). Debbie...
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...The U.S. Department of State became aware of the issue of human trafficking and began monitoring it in 1994. At first, it seemed to only be a problem for women and girls for sexual purposes but, contrary to popular belief, human trafficking does not only include sex trafficking, it encompasses all forms of forced labor, and as time went on, they realized it was a much larger issue, affecting a much larger spectrum of people. (ABC 1) Sex trafficking does account for the trade of about fifty-six percent of trafficking victims (according to a U.S. White House fact sheet on trafficking states), but the other forty-four percent includes other work such as: agriculture, domestic service, construction, sweat shop manufacturing, and hotel and restaurant work. All of this, and more can be found in California, New York, Texas, and Florida, the states with the highest amount of human trafficking, accounting for forty-eight percent of trafficking cases. Being largely populated states they all have “…considerable immigrant communities, all of which serve as transit hubs for international travel.” (Cullen-DuPont 45) Aside from these four, trafficking has been found in over half of the U.S. states and counting, with no end in sight. Debbie is a fifteen-year-old middle child from Phoenix, Arizona. On a day like any other she got a call from Bianca, an acquaintance asking if she could come by Debbie’s house. In her Sponge Bob pajamas Debbie walked outside, Bianca pulled up in a Cadillac...
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...While the 13th amendment wiped slavery from the face of America in the 19th century; today, just under the surface, modern day slavery brews: human trafficking. From domestic servitude, to sex slaves, the number of victims has been rising exponentially each year. The trade of human beings is one of the fastest growing problems facing today’s society; because the United States is “the land of the free,” (Star Spangled Banner) many turn a blind eye to its existence as they don’t believe that such an atrocious violation of human rights could exist where there are equal rights extended to all people, and action must be taken in order to protect the innocents involved. When most people think of human trafficking their minds typically jump to foreign...
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...society, most commonly referred to as human trafficking. Human trafficking is the act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring or receiving a person through a use of force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them. According the U.S. State Department study, some 14,500 to 17,500 people are trafficked into the United States from overseas and enslaved each year. (Bales and Soodlater 6). Slavery has always, and will always be a part of the world we live in. It has evolved from a socially acceptable way of life for the upper class to an illegal act for a cheap price. Human trafficking today is most commonly in the form of sexual slavery or forced labor. The United States government has begun to take notice in this new type of slavery epidemic and are taking action and trying to gain control, but sadly few human trafficking cases are solved a year. The human trafficking industry is the third most profitable illegal enterprise, following guns and drugs, making it a rapid growing industry. According to the Polaris Project “because human trafficking is considered to be one of the fastest growing criminal industries, the U.S. government and academic researchers are currently working on an up-to-date estimate of the total number of trafficked persons in the United States annually. With 100,000 children estimated to be in the sex trade in the United States each year, it is clear that the total number of human trafficking victims in the U.S. reaches into the...
Words: 1785 - Pages: 8
...of my Williams Institute of Ethics Awareness Inventory Assessment, my own values, ethics and many years of experience in management it is my belief that all organizations should uphold the maximum standards of ethics. Business integrity should have zero tolerance for any form of corruption, extortion, or embezzlement. The highest standards of integrity are expected in all business dealings. Any form of unethical conduct has no place in a respectable and honorable organization. Any member of an organization should be instantaneously dismissed from the organization and legal action should be ajudiacated. However, I discovered this is not always the case, as I researched some unethical business dealings. In the case against KBR on human trafficking charges, K KBR: Corruption Within America’s Biggest Construction Company Formerly known as Kellogg Brown & Root, KBR is the largest non-union construction company in the United States with a history that can be found from over a century ago. Many companies are viewed as being corrupt, with greed being one of the major preceding issues resulting in this corruption; KBR is not an exception. One would think that with so many major politicians being connected to the companies, KBR would try to refrain from scandals. In the eyes of celebrities, positive or negative press can still be considered positive; a face in the paper means they are still the talk of the country, and their name has yet to die out. However, with politics and billions...
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