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Human Trafficking In America

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Human trafficking has been in existence for since the beginning of America in the 1600s. In the last few years, the human trafficking trade has grown to become the second largest criminal empire worldwide. (14ju) It is modern-day slavery for people around the world. “"Human trafficking is a crime that impacts communities around the world," said Mayor Parker.”” (14ju) People have done many despicable acts to trap the children and adults into this world. There are many factors that cause someone to sell or trade a person to another person. The factors could be poverty-stricken, war, safety, or greed. The sad fact is that the world knows of this problem and yet there are not many things being done to stop this business. Human trafficking has …show more content…
Stacy Khadaroo report “The images of more than 100 men, women, and children held for ransom by suspected smugglers in a filthy Houston-area "stash house" are shocking. But the terrifying ordeal is not surprising, immigrant advocates say.” (khadraroo) The traffickers who move the victims through Houston are known as coyotes. The coyotes are known as dangerous tricksters. The human trafficking victims come to Houston in different ways. Victims walk from Mexico or Canada, while others are shipped on large boats in shipping container by the 100's.The boats go through the Houston Port, where the lack of security is a major problem. Not all containers get searched by security or accounted for on the ship’s log. Another problem is that there are some dock workers who help remove the victims from the containers. Some victims pay the coyotes a lot of money before their arrival. When they arrived they find they owe more money. It is known as a two-part payment. “It's also common for people who pay someone to bring them here illegally to then be threatened and held if they don't pay more than was originally agreed upon, Tomatore and others say.”(Khadaroo) The traffickers trap the people for years and have the victims do illegal activities to pay off their debt. This is another form of kidnapping because they are being forced to work off a fake amount until the coyotes …show more content…
The low prices of knock off handbags, clothes, and shoes sold worldwide on the black market are not worth the pain they cause. The other victims work in restaurants, nail salons, farms and houses. According to U.S. department of state, trafficking also takes place as labor exploitation, such as domestic servitude, sweatshop factories, or agricultural work. (u.s department of state) The sweat shop workers are locked in a hot rooms with 30-100 people to make counterfeit items. The sweat shops or labor mill owners often threaten seriously harm to the victims working for them if deadlines, quantity, or quality is not met. During the horrible working conditions, many of the workers get hurt by fires, faulty equipment, and fights. The sweat shops or labor mills owners usually do not care if the people die while working. The owners feel no one will miss the victims that die and the workers can easily switch out with the next batch of victims. The deceased victims have no funeral. Their bodies are sometimes left in the desert, or on the side of a road, or in abandon homes. The victims are not compensated for their hard and dangerous work they complete. The owners tell the victims that all the money they have earned is used to pay off their debt. If they do receive money, it is not enough to survive living in Houston. The victims of human trafficking is continually tainted by what they see, hear, and

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