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The Role Of Human Trafficking In America

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Human trafficking is an issue effecting both children and adults across the globe, known as the “slavery” of the modern era (United Nations, 2017). According to the Blue Campaign from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, “human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act” and is the second most profitable transnational crime, after drug trafficking (“What is Human Trafficking?”).

Focusing on sex trafficking, recent policy changes are helping victims of human trafficking in recovery, however, there are still instances where these victims are criminalized. Policy advocacy focused on helping victims of human trafficking instead of treating them as criminals is necessary. …show more content…
The use of hashtags, such as #stoptrafficking and #endingmodernslavery, serve to “brand advocacy movements,” and link interested parties quickly and easily, allowing for comprehensive and collaborative measures to change policy (Saxton, Niyirora, Guo, Waters, 2015, p. 154). These actions would be targeted to politicians, media, and those that would create conversation about these issues, such as bloggers. Many times, multiple groups are fighting for a single cause entirely independently of one another, which can be ineffective. With human trafficking, a search of organizations working to end human trafficking on the “End Slavery Now” website yielded more than 50 foundations currently working to end human trafficking, so actions to link with an organization already fighting for these victims would be beneficial (Antislavery Directory,

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