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Kinesiology: A Career In Physical Therapy

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Computer system, are device’s that are programmed to carry out a set of logical operation automatically (Beal, 1). Computer system, has been around many years and has advance over time. Now computer system are across the world and fit with our day to day living. Computer system can come as an advantages to our day to day lives, for time saving nature, to reach something or ask a computer a questions. Using computer system save natural resources by limiting our need of paper and pencils (Kennan, 4). Also computer has benefits in many way in the professional fields, like businesses, physical therapy an more. Computer can also be a disadvantage. Computer have put many companies out of businesses mostly book stores because now you can buy or read book online. Rather than getting up and going to the book store. Also computer our addictive everywhere you go you can see people looking at their laptops or cell phone’s. …show more content…
Kinesiology is known as human kinetic such as the human movement. Kinesiology has a variety of computer system. The computer system help people with part of their body to function. A physical therapy technician helps injured patients and individuals recovering from surgery regain their mobility. Without technology they want be able to walk or move certain body parts.
In the physical therapy field they have come up with a way that is the fastest, most efficient and professional help. For doctor’s can spend less time stuck on a computer typing, It’s called RTR help’s with the patients, it has exercise videos can improved professional image. Complete control over product selection, ensuring the patient will receive exactly what you

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