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Kinesiology Research Paper

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Do what you love and you won’t work a day in your life. I love the study of the human body, so I have made it my goal to inform other prospective students of kinesiology about the basics. Kinesiology is the study of the movement of the human body. The field of kinesiology has grown in recent years. For years, the field was limited to only physical education teachers. The field of kinesiology now includes but is not limited to coaching, sports marketing, sport promotion, athletic training, sports medicine, sports psychology, sports law, personal training, exercise rehabilitation, conditioning coaching for athletes, fitness managing, gym/spa ownership, exercise specialization for the elderly, corporate fitness specialization, physical education, high-level sports instruction, gym exercise instruction, or specialized instruction for those with disabilities (American Kinesiology Association). In most if not all of these careers relating to kinesiology, the …show more content…
Although bones are a symbol of death because they are what is left over when we are no longer here, they are very much a living thing. Most of your bones aren’t even minerals! Even the part that is, is living tissue because it is honeycombed with blood vessels. Your bone matrix is made up of two parts. The hard, dense outside called the compact/cortical bone, makes up 80% of the bone’s mass. The softer, more porous spongy/trabecular bone is the bone marrow. Bone marrow makes almost all of your blood through a process called hematopoiesis. Two thirds of your bone matrix is made up of proteins like collagen, and the other third is made up of calcium phosphate. A full grown adult has 206 bones. When babies are born, they have about 350 bones. As children grow, their bones fuse together. Exercise puts stress on the bones that stimulates bone remodeling, so your aren’t just building muscle, you’re also building bone. ("The Skeletal System: It's

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