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Summary Of Culture Jamming

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This is based on what the book states:
Marilyn DeLaure and Moritz Fink (editors), Mark Dery (Foreword)

This is what NYU, Google Books and Amazon state:
Marilyn DeLaure, Moritz Fink and Mark Dery (editors)

Culture Jamming: Activism and the Art of Cultural Resistance

New York: New York University Press, 2017; 464 pp.: £24.99

Reviewed by: Elena Fell, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia

What do Russian samizdat, The Simpsons and the carnivals of the Middle Ages have in common? As readers of Culture Jamming…, we learn that both ‘underground publishing in defiance of official censorship’ (p. 47) in the USSR, the American television show ‘parodying the corporate world’ (p. 254) and the baptizing of pigs during carnivals are all ‘part of a historical continuum’ (p. 47) that involves individuals actively challenging ‘existing structures of power’ (p. 19). Since 1990s, various such tactics used to ‘ “jam” the workings of consumer culture’ (p. 6) have become known as ‘culture jamming’, and DeLaure, Fink and Dery’s book presents a significant number of ‘key texts’ (p. xvii) that unpack the specificity of ‘semiotic …show more content…
experienced culture jammers Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonnano ‘known as Yes Men’ (p. 441); Paolo Cirio, an artist who ‘is regularly threatened with prosecution for his subversive actions’ (p. 442); and anonymous The Guerilla Girls ‘who use … outrageous visuals to expose discrimination and corruption’ (p. 443). Scholars of communication and media studies (e.g. Anna Branchuk, Jack Bratich and Marco Deserits) ensure the academic thoroughness of the discussion and the reader, presented with factual material and an array of arguments and opinions, is left to decide for himself or herself whether culture jamming is an effective way of challenging traditions or whether culture jamming is ‘too cute to say something revolutionary’ (p.

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