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Compound Medication Research Paper

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21st Century Health: Why Is a Compounded Medication the Best Medication Alternative?

Over the last few years, compounded medication had been positively affecting lives on a growing number of people when off-the-shelf prescription medications cannot meet their needs or stop at a person’s limitations. Indeed, compounded medication is made to fit the unique need of a patient by combining or processing the appropriate ingredients using various tools and ingredients.

Compounding happens when a medicine has to be created because the commercially-available medicines do not specifically accommodate a patient’s needs—strength, concentration, or dosage form.
Specialty Chemist, a quality compounding pharmacy in Fresh Meadows NY, specializes on what …show more content…
Or are you fearful of your elder choking again from a tablet? A compounding pharmacy in Fresh Meadows NY can prepare the medication in cream, liquid, or other forms that you want it to be or that the patient can easily take!

Prevent allergies, side effects, and restrictions
Taking medications for pain relief, oral thrush, diabetes, respiratory disorders, skin disorders, fever blisters, and other ailments can have different effects on a person’s body usually depending on the strength and ingredients of the medicines.

With a compounding pharmacy in Fresh Meadows NY, you can already have the prescribed medicines which are gluten-free, sugar-free, casein-free, dye-free, soy-free in forms of oral liquids, topical gels, effervescent drinks, lollipops, and even as gummy treats with the strength already appropriately increased or decreased!

Grant access to discontinued medicines
Once pharmaceutical giants and other companies no longer finds such commercial medicines profitable to manufacture, they discontinue leaving those still in use nothing on the shelf to buy. However, a compounding pharmacy can formulate and make them available just for

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