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Importance of Research


Submitted By cynthiah1
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Importance of Research
When writing college papers, grants or just presentations for work research is the most important process of the writing process. This paper will discuss the three segments of the TEDTalks: Award –Winning Teenage Science in Action video. The three segments discuss carcinogens, chemotherapy and asthma.
Segment 1
Lauren Hodge conducted a research study on carcinogens in grilled chicken. The hypothesis developed by Lauren was “could possibly the carcinogens be decreased due to a marinade and could it be due to the differences in pH?” ( ). This topic was important to Lauren, because while in the doctor’s office she read an article that discussed a lawsuit pertaining to California’s Proposition 65. The magazine article discussed the hidden danger of carcinogens in the food we eat. Lauren was surprised to find that more people had no idea about the dangers of carcinogens in our food. Lauren collected data for analyzation in three different stages. In the first stage Lauren marinated all of the chicken at home in five different marinades. The second stage was completed at Penn State University and she extracted the chemicals, changed the pH, and ran it through the lab equipment which in turn separated the compounds. In the third and final stage Lauren ran the samples through a high pressure liquid chromatography mass spectrometer, which separated the compounds and analyzed the chemicals, and told her exactly how much carcinogens she had in the chicken. Lauren’s research came out with the following results; marinating chicken in lemon juice decreased the carcinogens by about ninety-eight percent. Salt water and brown sugar marinades also worked to decrease the carcinogens by about sixty percent. Olive oil only slightly decreased the carcinogens and soy sauce results turned out to be inconclusive. A health services administrator could possibly use this research to educate the public in regards to the effect of carcinogens in the foods we eat.
Segment 2
Shree Bose conducted research on chemotherapy and the effects on the human body. This research was important to Shree, because at the age of fifteen her grandfather passed away due to cancer. Cancer patient become resistant to the drugs used to treat their cancer, for some patient even after they have been diagnosed as cancer-free, their cancer returns and they develop a resistance to the medication and lose their fight with cancer. Shree worked under Dr. Basu at the UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth, Texas. In her research Shree found that when blocking protein, patient are responding to the drugs. This means that if a patient becomes resistant to the drugs used to treat their cancer, then they can be given a chemical that blocks the protein and the patient can again use the drug to treat the cancer. Health services administrators can use this research to help all cancer patients to fight and possibly cure cancer. All cancer patients rely on hope and this research give all cancer patient hope to be with their family for a longer period of time.
Segment 3
Naomi Shah conducted research on asthma and the effect of indoor air quality. She wanted to find out if indoor air pollutants pose a negative impact on lung health. This research was important to Naomi because both her brother and father suffered from chronic allergies year round. Naomi collected her information from peak expiratory flow rate, which essentially measures the exhalation rate. She compared the peak expiratory flow rate with the patient’s age, gender and height. Naomi found that ninety percent of our lives are indoors and that chemical pollutants affect allergy sufferers more than the outside pollutants. Because of the research Naomi suggest that allergy sufferers clean out all air filters and air ducts in their homes, work and school as well as stop using incense and scented candles. Another recommendation was to pull up all the carpet in the home and put down hardwood floors. Health service administrators could use this information to educate all asthma and other poor lung health sufferers about better ways to treat their symptoms other than steroids and inhalers.
After reviewing the video I found that with the proper research you can a solution to just about anything. The three girls in this video all had a passion for the research they conducted, because they all had some personal connection to their research. I was surprised at the ages of all three young ladies, each of the young ladies had not even attended college as of yet. This proves that age is just a number and you achieve anything as long as you have passion and drive.

Films Media Group (2012). TEDTalks: Award-Winning Teenage Science in Action (16:16) From Title: TEDTalks: Award-Winning Teenage Science in Action.

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