Premium Essay

Gimpel The Fool

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Pages 2
The author’s intent in “Gimpel the Fool” is show the power of faith, the dedication it requires, and how that dedication may be perceived as foolish by others. The story is told in first person, so there is no reason to believe that the narrator (Gimpel) isn’t reliable. Gimpel is considered foolish by everyone in his town, but he does not view himself as foolish. He is religious and believes that it is better to be a fool then evil, and that those who call him a fool and try to trick him are the true fools. It is because of this belief that he accepts all of the lies he is told by the towns’ people, and by his wife in particular. Everyone knows that none of Elka’s children are Gimpel’s, but Gimpel is blinded by faith and his love for Elka and

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