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How Do School Uniforms Build Equality

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If you witnessed a child being tortured would you help? One in four kids are bullied, and for these kids going to school can become torture. Bullying in general should not happen over something as simple as clothes. This is why kids elementary thru high school should wear school uniforms. In many ways school uniforms can help develop equality.

School uniforms while destroying bullying over clothes can also implant the idea of uniformity that all students are the same and part of the school same as everybody else. The idea that a uniform can bring people together is nothing new. In sports every team has their uniform and speaking as an athlete seeing someone in your team's jersey rewards them respect, as you know they are apart of the team. It's the same idea build up the family aspect. Creating school unity is crucial in avoiding bullying becoming a prominent issue. If all students were equal bullying would not exist, but as it is impossible for all students to be the same school uniforms are the best way to make all students feel equal. …show more content…
With uniforms it would take the target of clothes away from bullies. It should be stated that school uniforms would not eliminate bullying, but makes it more difficult to achieve. Even if it is only a small way to stop prevent bullying it would be worth it. For example the 2012 documentary Bully followed Tyler Long as one of the kids who are bullied, and he experienced every type of bullying mainly over his looks. He committed suicide at age seventeen. The problem with this story is that many know about it and nothing has been done to fix the

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