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N. W. A: The Role Of Violence In Hip Hop

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"I'm the motherfucker that you read about /Takin' a life or two / That's what the hell I do / If you don't like the way I'm living, well fuck you!" boasts Ice Cube from the song “Gangsta Gangsta,” courtesy of N.W.A’s debut album in the late 1980s (Cooper). N.W.A, or Niggaz With Attitude, has been known as one of the most influential and controversial rap groups around the hip hop globe. They are most known for creating “gangsta rap”( A style of rap music linked with urban street gangs and the inescapable features that represented by it, such as gang violence and misogyny, to name a couple). Their harsh music brought police discrimination and the mean streets of the hood to the public’s eye, forever changing the music industry.
Many of the themes of N.W.A’s rap songs deal with their hometown in California: …show more content…
“Undesirable” communities like Compton are often curtained by the media, preferring to show California’s sunshiny days and beautiful palm trees, rather than ear-shattering gunshots and tense drug deals (“When N.W.A. Terrified White America,” Cooper).
This kind of discrimination has fueled N.W.A’s efforts to unveil gangsta rap and accurately and profanely paint a misogynistic, bullet-ridden picture for their

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