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The Polaris Project

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Hello my fellow high school pupils. Today I will representing Polaris project that combats human trafficking.
Human Trafficking

What is human trafficking- Is the trade of humans from one place to another by means of transportation or harboring. The victims of human trafficking are usually under threats, forced or abducted. The human traffickers usually use threats or forces by threating their families. Human traffickers also take advantage of poor vulnerable people that are promised a better life and more money in places like the United States of America. The human rights that are been violated are the right to dignity the right to life.

Reasons for human trafficking.
The reason why people do human trafficking is war and prostitutions. …show more content…
The Polaris Project.

As I mentioned in my introducing I am representing the Polaris project. The aim of the Polaris project is to combat modern day slavery and human trafficking. The Polaris has a client service that is always open to help people that are in human trafficking or was a victim of human trafficking. The Polaris project also does fund raisers to support human trafficking victims and give them the therapy they need. Polaris also have a raise awareness program were they ask their members to spread their help line number and download their posters at the website

Why should you support this organization?

I know all of you have heard over a thousand human trafficking organizations that do exactly the things that Polaris Project is going perhaps even better but Polaris has had big success in 2013 launching a global hotline that response to human trafficking based in America. Polaris`s client services has supported 97 survivors of human trafficking, it also has a National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline and it has responded to its 100,000th call in 2013. Oh yeah all these statistics are from 2013 only mean that this number has definitely increased. Ladies and gentlemen that’s my reason way you should invest in my

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