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Pro-American Revolution Sandinistas

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The fear of Communism
During the Somoza dynasty, Sandinistas were getting in bed with America’s enemies. A lot of the members of the FSLN went to the Soviet Union to get educated, as well as trained in countries such as Cuba, Czechoslovakia, and North Korea (all considered communist countries). One could safely deduce that in many ways the Sandinistas shared the pro-Soviet, anti-American stance of a number of Third World “liberation movements” of the 1960s and 1970s (Hager, 1993: 114-119). Initially, when the very left Sandinistas overthrew Nicaragua’s dictatorship, the United States under President Carter, let the Sandinistas properly run the country with no U.S interference. In fact, if it weren’t for the Carter administration withdrawing …show more content…
Moreover, while the Nicaraguan revolution was going on, the United States was facing a lot of political tension between them and the powers of the Eastern Bloc. With the Cuban Missile Crisis still being a fresh wound, America deeply feared that another country in the Western hemisphere will fall to communism like Cuba did and be another potential threat. Hence, why they did not support the Sandinistas’. The Sandinistas’ conveyed communist rhetoric and carried out very left policies that ultimately scared the United States.
To be fair, the United States had reason to worry about Soviet Union influence in Nicaragua. The relationship between the Soviet Union and Nicaragua is unprecedented. To begin with, the normalization of Soviet-Nicaraguan diplomatic relations was announced in 0ctober 1979. However, relationships seemed to strength when the FSLN officials paid a visit to the Soviet Union, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria in March of the next year. The FSLN and the Soviet Union came to …show more content…
Nicaragua charged the United States with engaging in military activities and directly violating the Charters of the United Nations (citation needed). After both countries presented their argument, the Court unanimously (aside from the American judge) ordered the United States to cease their “covert” war against Nicaragua. On January 18, 1985, the United States announced it would not further continue on the case.
Case Study: Guatemala Similarly to the case of Nicaragua, Guatemala’s democracy was also undermined when the United States staged a coup and overthrew President Jacobo Arbenz. As I stated earlier over prosecutors viewing as America’s intentions as insincere, it will be particularly shown in the case of Guatemala. America’s intentions aren’t clear; while the U.S claimed the intervention was to prevent the spread of communism, the line gets murky with their own business interests.
The United Fruit

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