Premium Essay



Submitted By melchisedeck
Words 1595
Pages 7
Criminology and Education (BScEcon) offers students the chance to not only acquire knowledge of the educational policies and systems governing various societies, but will develop understanding of the criminal justice system and the sociological implications associated with this, leading to important (and employable) skills acquisition.
Criminology is the scientific study of crime and criminality as well as society’s response thereto. Criminology incorporates various disciplines such as psychology, history, law, sociology, anthropology, psychiatry and has sub-categories including victimology (studying victims), penology (reviewing prisons), psychological analysis (profiling of crime scenes and perpetrators), etc.
An economic profile is a basic overview of the economy in a certain state, country, or city. An economic profile should always include the expenditure or consumption of money in that area.
An economic profile combines narrative information with selective business and financial data to provide an overview of the economic landscape of an industry, business sector, city, region or nation. Companies use economic profiles to assess new investment opportunities and evaluate the desirability of an area for relocation or business expansion. In government, these reports provide valuable intelligence and inform economic policy. Writing an economic profile requires knowing your audience and what it expects to learn from the report, as well as attention to the basics of good professional writing, including concise sentences that rely on active voice and minimize the use of specialized jargon.
The term “student profile” is used in several different senses in the education community. In all cases, a student profile provides information about a student, but the information can be presented and used in different ways. Student profiles can include data submitted by a

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