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Memo of Proposal


Submitted By hanamichi
Words 421
Pages 2
Fall 2011 ECE 400 Proposal Assignment
Due: 6:00 a.m., Thursday, Dec. 1 (PDF format only)
After you graduate and enter the workplace, you may discover some internal problems and want to offer your suggestions for improvement. Typically, these are written in the form of a memo addressed to your supervisor. For the current assignment, you are asked to identify a problem in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue and suggest a plausible solution to it. Your memo should be addressed to Dr. Ragu Balakrishnan, head of ECE. Please note that Dr. Balakrishnan will read these proposals and may choose to act on some of them, so your proposal could benefit current underclass and future ECE students.
The proposal should be one single-spaced page and adhere to the following format. Write in complete sentences and paragraphs using 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Assume that you are sending the proposal to Dr. Balakrishnan via interoffice mail. ____________________________________________
DATE: 12/1/11
TO: Ragu Balakrishnan Head, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
FROM: Joe Boilermaker (replace with your name) ECE 400 student
Subject: Proposal to… (complete this phrase with your proposal topic) ____________________________________________________________

BODY of the proposal:
Introduction (this and the following headings are not used in a memo) * What is the purpose of this proposal? * What is the problem that needs to be addressed? * What are the limitations on this proposal and why? Discussion * What is the proposed solution? * How will the proposal solve the problem? Resources * Who will do the work and why are they qualified? *

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