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Expanding your horizons? A guide to setting up business across the Middle East and
North Africa region


E x p a n d i n g y o u r h o r i z o n s ? A guide to setting up business across the Middle East and North Africa region

E x p a n d i n g y o u r h o r i z o n s ? A guide to setting up business across the Middle East and North Africa region




















Sultanate Of Oman




Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia








United Arab Emirates




E x p a n d i n g y o u r h o r i z o n s ? A guide to setting up business across the Middle East and North Africa region

The Middle East / North
Africa (“MENA”) region is one exemplified by inherent diversity. Such variation is widely demonstrated in the array of culture, language, geography and economics.
Stretching from Morocco to
Iran, each country has its own distinct makeup of natural resources and global outlook.
As an inevitable result, political and economic events of recent decades have affected the representative nations in dramatically different ways. Certain countries have enjoyed the benefits of significant natural resources
(e.g., substantial oil reserves) while others have undergone political changes that have seen their respective stocks rise and fall on the world stage.
These circumstances have been magnified by the global financial crisis. Most recently,
Dubai has gripped headlines with doubts over its liquidity.
And this diversity has further evidenced itself in the respective approaches to foreign investment, regulation and taxation. Many countries remain less restrictive with respect to foreign

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