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Mental Illnesses Research Paper

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Mental illnesses are one of the most devastating of illnesses. We need to become more aware of mental health illnesses and increase the services available for them because they are a serious widespread issue, they often go unnoticed and untreated and they can often cause many other issues for those with a mental illness. Mental illnesses are a very large issue that needs to be realized, focused on and treated. They are very common illnesses that can affect anybody as well as the people around them and can cause devastating results to everybody. Some of the reasons why people refuse to accept mental illness as a disease and help treat it is because they are unable to actually see anything wrong, they believe that it would be far too expensive to treat and because of the social stigma about mental illnesses. While these are very common arguments none of them have very much truth or logic behind them. There are many other illnesses that cannot be seen but still receive treatment such as cancer or pulmonary hypertension so there is no reason as to not treat mental illnesses due to it being physically invisible. Another common argument is that the …show more content…
Along with the mental suffering these illnesses can, and often do, create and worsen other medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. If we are going to try to cure such conditions we should also work to try to cure one of the things that greatly contribute to them. For many as their mental and physical state deteriorates so does the rest of their life; hundreds of thousands of people with serious mental illnesses end up cycling through living on the streets, visits to the emergency room and short stays in hospitals and jails. Mental illnesses can impact much more than just one person’s emotions and thoughts, they can change the life of many people for the worse

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