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Modification Model Research Paper

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I will be using the Modification model as my argumentative thesis model. This model is beneficial for my research paper because I would like to add other ideas to what researchers might have overlooked on the topic of mental illness. Although scholars have claimed that mental illness can be managed with medication and treatment, it is important to discuss the impact of underlying factors and reasons behind mental illness. In addition, scholars need to focus on how does a person develop a mental illness, since it is becoming an epidemic with new cases each day. Why is it that some researchers discuss on how there is a stigma on mental health instead of focusing on the reasons of why a person develops the illness? A counterargument against my thesis is that mental illness is not a stigma and should not be treated as a physical problem in society. My working thesis will help to call attention to people living with mental illness, effects of mental illness in the workplace, school, effects on learning abilities, effects of social media, effects on hospitals, and overall quality of life. …show more content…
Mental illness has been on the rise among young adults. Young adults are becoming depressed, suffering from anxiety, personality disorders, mood disorders, and a range of mental illnesses. In today’s society, there are over 200 classified mental disorders. The factors of mental illness can happen because of stress, losing a loved one, drug abuse, birth trauma, and trauma to the body from physical injury. A decline in mental health can result to drugs, addiction, suicide, and possibly death. One major mental disorder such as depression can make easy tasks become very difficult each day. There needs to be a wider discussion and research on the possibilities of how mental illness affects

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