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John Locke Research Paper

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The main idea of natural law is that the natural law is not moral value free. Natural law idea was with high moral standards – the idea of natural law reached ethical decisions and justice. There were never justified immoral acts by the natural law. John Locke was English philosopher who lived in 17th century. He was a modern natural law time philosopher. Natural law in modern ages lost impact of God, in other words, natural law was not obtained by the will of God. Natural law was intuitive and obvious. John Locke developed the ideas of natural law – natural rights and liberal values. My view is that if the natural law basis on the moral standards, then in accordance with natural law and natural rights everyone should be equal with …show more content…
And I find that John Locke mentioned natural rights – to life, liberty and property, are fundamental human rights. But I believe that the following considerations may not be obtained if everything is decided only by natural law nature, because the natural law always sticks only to the moral standards and may miss the facts. John Locke with his philosophy affirms that in the state of equality the entire jurisdiction is equivalent. John Locke talks about equality that everyone should have the same, because all human beings have been born by the same nature advantage. No one should put himself above another, because everyone is basically the same. The dominance of one above another is inadmissible. John Locke justified his thoughts with the words of Hooker who says that equality of men by nature is obvious by itself, because he believes that beyond everything men should put others and only below themselves. It justifies my argument that if the natural law basis on moral standards, then in accordance with natural law and rights everyone should be equal with equal rights, because all the natural law fundamental principle is that everyone is the same because of nature advantage. The only thing that does not confirm my

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