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3-101 Battalion Research Papers

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Introduction September 11th 2001 would be the beginning of a new type of war for US forces. Attack aviation would no longer be fighting the enemy they had spent years preparing for. No Soviet hoard coming over the hill, they would find themselves in a knife fight at higher altitudes than ever before. A Co 3-101 Avn Regt would be the first apaches to deploy in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. During their seven-month deployment, the Killer spades along with the rest of the 3-101 Battalion would develop and leave their mark in history by implementing new tactics for the new environment.

History 3rd Battalion 101st Aviation Regiment started its long history as the 229th Helicopter assault battalion in March of 1964. The battalion took part in fifteen major operations in Vietnam over a seven-year span. The battalion would return to Fort Hood in 1972 to deactivate. In 1978, the battalion is reactivated into the 101st airborne division. In 1986, the battalion reflagged as 3rd Battalion 101st Aviation …show more content…
The remaining two apaches remained at Kandahar to provide base defense operations. The morning of 2 March 2002 the crews from the Killer spades woke and walked to the flight line expecting that today would be no different than before, uneventful. The plan was to launch in three teams, but the cold weather had wreaked havoc on the aircraft the night before. One aircraft had an auxiliary power unit (APU) that failed to start and another was leaking hydraulic fluid from its gun turret. The ground crews worked their magic on both aircraft fixing the APU quick enough to launch on time, while the hydraulic leak had to have a quick fix with double bubble. The cold weather delayed the quick setting glue drying and forced the teams to shuffle the order of launch. All three teams launched with plenty of time to carry out their

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