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Conditioned Place Preference (CPP)

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Conditioned place preference (CPP) is a procedure commonly used to assess the rewarding effects of a stimulus by measuring increased approach and contact behaviors. The popularity of this procedure in the drug abuse field attributes to several advantages, including the simple methodology, inexpensive equipment, and many other advantages. Creative Biolabs utilizes this standard preclinical behavioral model to assess the abuse potential of drug candidates.
Introduction of Conditioned Place Preference
Conditioned place preference (CPP) is based on principles of Pavlovian classical conditioning, where the effect of the drug administered serves as the unconditioned stimulus (US) and is paired with the initially neutral environmental cues of the shuttle box compartment—after several pairings as stated in this section, these neutral environmental cues become associated with the rewarding effects of the drug and acquire secondary motivational properties. The drug-paired compartment then becomes the positive conditioned stimulus (CS+) that evokes a conditioned motivational response and elicits approach and contact behavior during the subsequent …show more content…
These environmental cues remain neutral in that they do not become associated with the drug’s effects (US) and thus become the negative conditioned stimulus (CS-). The fact that an animal will approach and/or contact stimuli that have been previously paired with rewarding drug effects is fundamental to the CPP procedure. When an animal receives these drug–environment pairings and subsequently approaches and spends time in contact with the drug-paired side of the conditioning apparatus or shuttle box, it is inferred that the drug administered had rewarding effects and that these effects have become associated with the specific compartment in which the conditioning trials

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