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My Writing Process

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When it comes to completing a task, in this case a writing paper, certain steps are taken to achieve a successful outcome. These steps are part of the process that we take. Focusing on process is important because everyone has their own way of doings things. The steps I take to develop a written paper are different from these of my peers. Knowing the process one takes is helpful because it allows them to understand the the conditions they write best in and how they produce a good quality paper. Thus, knowing this allows them to understand their process which helps them when they write in the future.

Project 1:

The process to writing Project 1 began with me taking some time to reflect back on my life. I reflected back on what I like and where …show more content…
Therefore, I went back and revised my essay for a 2nd time. I made new changes, especially to the introduction. I added a more effective thesis, and went ahead and cleaned up my essay a bit. After a peer review session, I learn new ways to improve my essay. I then went over my essay for a 3rd time. I made changes to my body, I added evidence and summaries, I was also more clear in my analysis. I then shared my essay with the professor, and after feedback from her, I revised my essay for a 4th time. I made changes that needed to be made, such as adding missing evidence, getting rid of a paragraph, and dividing a paragraph into different parts. I made sure my essay was understandable and after deciding that it was, I went ahead and cited all my evidence. I was confident with my final draft, but before completely submitting it, I went ahead and revised it for a 5th time. I wanted to make sure I was completely satisfied before turning it in and I wanted to make sure I had nothing else to edit.

Overall, my process for project #2 included me brainstorming in depth the topic in order to figure out exactly what I would write. I then proceeded to write a rough draft that was not perfect, but was enough for me to work with. I edit this rough draft many times, in order to improve it. I took into consideration all the different advice I received, and I tried to edit my essay in regards to it. I continued revising my draft until I was content with it. Thus, I was able to write a final draft that I believed was

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