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Best Study Strategies

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Best study strategies for a stressful exam
Mohammed Sami Sachinwala University of Toronto Abstract
Exams can be a nightmare for some students and a breeze for others. The purpose of this paper is to explore the possible reason why it is and create a method on to studying effectively and efficiently. Both mood and studying habits will be taken into account. We will be looking at a altered version of the KM cycle (Knowledge Management Cycle) for the intent of students and the coping strategies of students while under stress and their moods while studying. 100 3rd year students will be split into two groups, the control group and experimental group. All students will have a 70-80 averages on the final exams from the previous year. The experiment …show more content…
This feedback loop is what often leads students to dislike school and avoid mental strenuous courses that they would otherwise enjoy and succeed in. By introducing students to better studying strategies it would improve their GPA, reduced stress, and also improve overall quality of their school life. One possibly effective strategy in particular would be the use of both KM cycles and coping strategies. KM cycles used in a school setting have been linked to success in high achieving students, which they have been seen using multiple stages of KM cycles to achieve success. Coping strategies have been supported the notion that mood while studying can play a major factor in success, where being overall optimistic lead to better marks opposed to low marks while being pessimistic. Students should see a higher grades score if the proper utilization of the two is …show more content…
These students will be split in two, Group A will be the experimental, and Group B will be the control. Group A will be introduced to KM cycle and the deep approach. Both Groups will also do the same assessments in the Moneta, G. B., Spada, M. M., & Rost, F. M. (2007)’s study before and after the exam. Once results are collects it should be clear the Group A has scored higher than Group B.


Smiderle, D., & Weigel Green, P. L. (2011). How should students prepare for exams: A knowledge management approach. International Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(4), 55-69. doi:

Moneta, G. B., Spada, M. M., & Rost, F. M. (2007). Approaches to studying when preparing for final exams as a function of coping strategies. Personality and Individual Differences, 43(1), 191-202. doi:

Smiderle, D., & Weigel Green, P. L. (2011). How should students prepare for exams: A knowledge management approach.

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