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Sartell High School Analysis

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On October 17, The Sartell High School Wind Ensemble played three pieces in the Sartell High School gym. The songs that were played are “Imaginarium”, “Buenaventura”, and “Baba Yetu”. I will be evaluating the wind ensemble's articulations, balance and blend, and dynamics.

The first song that was played was “Imaginarium”, and that is a program that tells a story about dreams. There was great articulations in the trumpets, and two different trumpet parts could be heard and could have balanced better. In the low brass melody in the section “Sparks”, it was very rushed and made it sound muddy. The whole song was rushed up until m.25. Starting at m.25, the eight notes in the trombones were clean and short. In m.33, the piccolo and flutes played a clean melody that gave a soothing feeling. There was a quick crescendo into a fortissimo in the middle of m.44, but the articulations caused it to happen. The transition into the section “The Cloud Factory” quickly slowed down and stay precise throughout all the parts. M.71 was played accurate but very out of tune, and that was the same in the trombones at m.92. In the section “Here there …show more content…
There was a nice balance between the low brass and the woodwinds starting at m.9. The ensemble's dynamic was nice when the main melody was introduced, but the trumpets could have pulled back a little bit. When the choir entered the song at m.21, the band and the choir stayed balanced for a while. At m.37, the band could have pulled back their noise, and the choir could have sang louder. A nice balanced crescendo happened at m.52, but the band covered up the choir. The band covered up the choir again at m.61 but the problem was fixed after a couple measures. The choir at the end of the song had a nice dynamic and so did the band. The dynamics between between the band and the choir allowed the choir to be heard over the band throughout most of the

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