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Jellyfish Research Paper

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Do jellyfish live forever? It is often joked that cats have nine lives, but there is a species of jellyfish that can possibly live forever. That species is called the Turritopsis nutricula. By the facts given in Melanie Lasoff Levs’ article, “Immortal Jellyfish: Does it really live forever?” I believe that the Turritopsis nutricula can live forever.

The “Immortal” jellyfish was first discovered in 1883. It’s regeneration tactics, however, were only discovered in the mid 1990’s. The only way the immortal jellyfish can use this regeneration is if it is injured or starving. In the article, “Immortal jellyfish: Does it really live forever?” Melanie Levs states, “If a mature Turritopsis is threatened — injured or starving, for example — it attaches itself to a surface in warm ocean waters and converts into a blob. From that state, its cells undergo transdifferentiation in which the cells essentially transform into different types of cells.” This process can theoretically go on forever. …show more content…
“Facts about the Immortal Jellyfish” by Heather Brown states, “For instance, the muscle cells of the immortal jellyfish can turn into egg cells or even sperm cells. Nerve cells may also turn into muscle cells, and this means that the immortal jellyfish has transformation powers, the likes of which have never been seen and unmatched in the animal kingdom.” For example, salamanders can regrow their tails, but these jellyfish are the only ones known to regrow their entire

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