...Phoenix is a city that continues to expand and grow from constant migration from citizens from different states. Recently, a form of public transportation was implemented in the city to allow citizens access to opposite ends of the city. For our project we have chosen to expand the coverage of the city’s light rail. The light rail currently covers 20 miles of the city. For our project we will expand the lift rail in 3 different directions to add a total of 30 additional miles of coverage. We will extend it 10 miles west, 10 miles north and 10 miles east. Our project team consists of: Tanisha Lewis –project manager - 490.217.3065 – tlewisnarizona@hotmail.com Leonard Ford – project manager -xxx.xxx.xxxx – abcdefg@email.com | John McCormack –CEO of Valley Metro Light Rail – 602.495.8239 – jmccormack@valleymetro.orgManaging team dynamics in project environment is important to ensure all tasks get completed within the timeline and budget expected. Team leadership is instrumental in ensuring a successful project because there is a constant assessment of the projects process from the team leader. The team leader is the driver for all departments to perform tasks on time and again within the budget. The organization format we chose to use is the functional organization. The method allows segments of the project to be delegated to the specific functional unit for the completion of their portion of the project. This method is generally used when one area has a dominate role in completing...
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...Personal Life I apologize for overlooking a couple of my dealings with law enforcement. These are things are that I was not aware actually became part of my record. Here, I will outline and explain just what happened. I will also explain why I was released from two of my former jobs. In January of 1988, I was caught by Orange Police Department, as a minor in possession of alcohol. I was fifteen years old. The officer had made my friends and myself empty out the bottles of beer and hand them over. I do not recall the officer collecting our names or calling our parents. In March of 1988, I was charged with assault and battery. The boy was Dan Kine. In a normal teenage matter, he and I did not see eye to eye and rather than ignoring our issues, Kline continued to name call and challenged me to a fight. This was a pretty common occurrence when it came to Kine. I was not big on fighting, but my fifteen year old pride took over. I met the boy and we started to fight. All it took was one punch and the fight was over. Unknowingly, I broke his nose. I assume his parents pressed charges and I was charged. I spent a couple of days in juvenile hall awaiting trial. I was put on probation until eighteen and given community service. In retrospect, I had a lot of anger during this time period. My parents divorced shortly before this time period. In 1989, I was given a curfew violation. My friend and I were out toilet papering another friends house. It was all in good fun. We were...
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...Caso LEGO 1. Why did LEGO's first turnaround effort (Ploughman 1999-2004) fail and its second attempt (Knudstorp, 2004-2010) succeed? La administración de Ploughman(1999 -2004), fue afectada por factores externos al Grupo LEGO. Debido a que la compañía se encontraba en una industria altamente competitiva, con productos cuyo ciclo de vida era cada vez más corto, por lo difícil que resultaba diferenciarlos, entró en una guerra constante en la que la competencia ofrecía imitaciones a menores precios. Otro de los factores que influyó en el retroceso de la empresa fue el hecho de que los niños contaban con menos tiempo para jugar, por otras actividades extracurriculares, reduciendo su tiempo libre. Además, la introducción de los videojuegos y actividades en Internet, redujo la etapa de niñez y perdiendo el interés por los juegos para pequeños. Ploughman decidió atacar con una estrategia demasiado agresiva, que consistía en diversificar sus productos. Hasta llegar a un punto en el que era demasiada la diversidad de productos y no existía ningún control para limitar la diversificación. Pasaron de ofrecer únicamente juguetes a invertirle en productos como camisetas, relojes e incluso la apertura de parques temáticos. Ellos esperaban que al incluir estos productos en su portafolio les generaría mayores ingresos, pero sucedió lo contrario, puesto que la inversión fue muy alta, aumentando sus costos de operación y generando un inventario “slow-moving” con una retorno sobre la inversión...
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...(1995), his appearance in the film production of the highly praised Stephen Kings` novel “Green Mile” (2000) and a role in the film “A Gentleman`s Game” (2002). Adding to his net worth, Gary has also been involved in music, since he found the Lieutenant Dan Band; named by his most famous role, alongside Kimmo Williams and Danny Gotlieb. Sinise is also recognized a fearsome republican, funding several presidential campaigns, including the ones for George W. Bush and Mitt Romney. Gary is also a supporter of the military veterans, for which he earned several accolades, such as the honorary U.S Chief Petty Officer, furthermore, he was named honorary Marine in 2013 and was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal. Other than this, Sinise is also a co-founder of the non-profit organizations Operation Iraqi Children, now known as Operation International Children. Regarding his love life, Gary has been married to actress Moria Harris since 1981 with whom he has three children. ...
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...Categorías Guía Servicios: 1. Emergencias y seguridad, salud 2. Información, tecnología, sicua, producción audiovisual 3. Bibliotecas, libros, servicios generales 4. Intercambios, ayuda financiera, tramites, apuntes convivencia, fraude 5. Restaurantes y cafés La Universidad tiene concesiones para el suministro de alimentos en cafeterías, restaurantes y puntos de comida. ------------------------------------------------- 6. Cultura y espectáculos, deporte, convenios y bienestar * Cultura y espectáculos A través de franjas, proyectos y muestras culturales se busca afianzar la identidad Uniandina y ofrecer un espacio de creación y difusión del arte y la cultura. Adicionalmente, el Centro Cultural establece convenios con teatros, salas de cine, entre otras entidades culturales para conectar la oferta artística de la Universidad con la actividad cultural de Bogotá. Toda la información de estos eventos, beneficios y programación actualizada está en: http://centrocultural.uniandes.edu.co, la Agenda Uniandina, las pantallas y los afiches semanales que se ubican en todas las entradas del campus. La Agenda Cultural cuenta con tres franjas semanales permanentes: Música en vivo: conciertos de música contemporánea al aire libre y espacio para que los estudiantes de la Universidad presenten sus bandas y grupos de música. (Plazoleta Lleras) Cine 35 mm: Proyección de las producciones más recientes del cine independiente en 35 mm. (Auditorio Alberto Lleras.) ...
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...MERCK AND RIVER BLINDNESS 1. Think about the definition of stakeholders — any parties with a stake in the organization’s actions or performance. Who are the stakeholders in this situation? How many can you list? On what basis would you rank them in importance? People suffering from the disease or those who potentially may be infected – would directly benefit from the cure Merck employees at all levels – profitability and the economic health of the company affects current employees Merck shareholders – inability to profit from the drug might have a negative effect on shareholder’s value, but taking the stand on “doing the right thing” might have a favorable effect on company’s reputation and increase the value of the stock Various healthcare organizations – Merck is one of the leaders in the industry whose actions or inactions may affect the state of the industry as a whole One way to rank stakeholders in importance is by their level of benefit from the drug putting people suffering from the disease in the first place as they would benefit the most from the invent of the cure. Then, employees and shareholders would share the second place, provided that the company would most likely not be able to recover funds invested in the long and expensive process of developing the drug which in turn would affect company’s profitability. Finally, various healthcare organizations would rank third; the effect on them would depend on the level of their involvement in the process...
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...In his prologue to Daphnis and Chloe, Longus refers to his four books as “a0na/qhma me\n7!Eroti kai\ Nu/mfaij kai\ Pani/” (Pr 2.3-4). Coming before any of the action of the novel, the reader asks, and for good reason, why these three gods or sets of gods? Then in the final book, Daphnis gives “a0naqh/mata…tw~| Dionu/sw|…tw~| Pani\...tai~j Nu/mfaij” (4.26.6-8). Here Dionysus has filled the place of Eros, or, as I shall argue, Dionysus represents the same universal force as Eros in the earlier books. These divinities, Eros/Dionysus, Pan, and the Nymphs, directly influence the lives of the titular protagonists. Their influence serves different purposes depending on what the situation calls for, but, overall, the influences could be labeled as such: Eros/Dionysus controls their lives, the Nymphs nurture the youths, and Pan enflames their passion. In many Greek novels, Eros functions as a stock figure, “not much more than a convenient method of setting [the] plot in motion” (Turner 119). Critics have heavily studied the role of Eros in this novel, and many find that the text of Daphnis and Chloe can be seen as an introductory text for syncretic monotheistic religions, specifically that of Orphic Dionysus. This argument holds valid, yet, I think, over reads the text, and Chalk admits as an introductory text, it is merely “allusive” and not clearly instructive (36). Philetas certainly describes the “cosmic Eros” found in Hesiod’s Theognis in his interaction with Eros in his garden...
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...Caso Merck & Co: Evaluación de una oportunidad de licencias de medicamentos El caso está ambientada en el año 2000. Merck & Co. es una compañía global, impulsada por la investigación farmacéutica, investiga, desarrolla, fabrica y comercializa una amplia gama de productos para personas, así como productos de salud animal. Opera directamente a través de empresas conjuntas establecidas y prestas servicios de gestión de productos farmacéuticos (PBM). Durante los últimos 5 años, la compañía ha lanzado 15 nuevos productos de éxito, las drogas más populares han generado la cantidad de $5.7 mil millones en ventas en todo el mundo. Entre 1998 y 1999, un aumento del 20% en las ventas se observó. Merck posee las patentes de los medicamentos más populares, sin embargo, expirará en 2002. Una vez que las patentes han caducado, las ventas disminuirán por los medicamentos genéricos sustitutos y baratos en el mercado. La compañía tiene como objetivo mantener un buen camino en el desarrollo de fármacos, por constante renovación de su cartera, lo que impide la pérdida de ventas de medicamentos que van fuera del tiempo de la patente. Los nuevos fármacos son bien desarrollados por la investigación interna (la mayoría) mediante la colaboración con empresas de biotecnología. El producto: Davanrik Davarnik fue desarrollado por los productos farmacéuticos LAB, un producto farmacéutico pequeño y relativamente joven especializada con compuestos para el tratamiento de trastornos neurológicos. Originalmente...
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...Story Tiffany & Co. is created by Charles Lewis Tiffany and John B. Young (then known as Tiffany & Young, a stationery and fancy goods emporium at 259 Broadway in New York). All items were marked with a non-negotiable selling price, which was a first at that time. The first day’s sales total $4.98. 1837: Introduction of the Tiffany Blue Box The well-known shade of blue was chosen to symbolize the company’s renowned reputation for quality and craftsmanship. The colour is well known globally and widely used on Tiffany & Co. boxes, catalogues, shopping bags, brochures and in their advertising mediums. Today, it has become Tiffany & Co’s trademark colour. No box can be taken out of a Tiffany & Co. store except with an article which has been sold by them. This adds to the exclusivity of the brand. The tradition of the famed Tiffany Blue Box has endured over the years as its contents are unsurpassable in quality and design. 1845: The First Blue Book The first ever Tiffany catalogue is published. This tradition still continues at present day. 1851: The Heritage of Tiffany Silver Tiffany becomes the first American company to use the 925/1000 sterling standards which is later adopted as the United States Sterling Standard. Tiffany’s silver designs also start capturing attention worldwide. 1853: Tiffany & Co. is “Officially” Named Charles Tiffany assumes control of the company and renames it. 1867: Tiffany & Co. at the Paris Exposition Universelle Tiffany & Co becomes the first...
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...It starts with an idea s t a g e s o f innovation Best Practices in Brand Extension: Effective Application of Brand Recognition BRAND EQUITY CAN BE DIVIDED INTO THREE COMPONENTS: EXPERTISE, EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENTS AND PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES Brand extensions are an effective and popular method of gaining a competitive advantage when entering a new product area. Consumers are faced with an increasingly complex and confusing marketplace. The ability of a brand to act as a mental shortcut for consumers, thereby simplifying the decision-making process, makes it one of, it not the, most important asset for a company. The ability of a brand to influence consumer behavior, and its subsequent value to companies, will increase as consumers face a growing amount of information in the marketplace. By placing a well-known brand on a new product, a company can imbue that product with all the positive associations of that brand, thereby giving it a competitive advantage. With some estimates of the failure rate for new products at 90%, the added value of being associated with a trusted brand can be critical to a new product’s survival. Given the increasing value of established brands and the difficulty in launching new products, the popularity of brand extensions is understandable. However, the brand extension process must be carefully planned in order to insure the value of the brand is successfully transferred to the extension without jeopardizing the brand’s equity. To do so, a company...
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...THE MAIN STRATEGIC PROBLEMS PROBLEM: ‘Tiffany’ was very focused on their brand name. In most of the cases it is very good for a company and for Tiffany it would be right decision as well but the management preferred to do it starting from the bottom point. In my opinion, it was wrong decision. The company put very high prices on jewelries which do not have very high value according to the materials, and furthermore the company did not have the name what would attract people to buy its products. The company had chosen fundamental strategy to keep their name up and make it more famous. The second strategic fault, in my view, was the licensing the Tiffany brand to an Italian fashion-eyewear manufacturer – it means they have no control over the products which are produced by other company, so most probably the quality also will not be the same. It can be the reason for sales to fall down. Solution 1: I think they should have licensed the name for other sphere of production – this point would assure people that the products they used to buy from Tiffany are still made by the same way, and quality is going to be saved as usual. Solution 2: I would enhance the range of the products, and at the same time to have a control over of their quality. I think, in this case the sales would go up with the income. Recommendation: In my opinion the second solution would be better for this case. According to the Tiffany’s history: in most of the times the company was making decision exactly...
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... Managing Brand Extensions Brand Mix ▪ Definitions ▪ Breadth and Depth of Brand Mix Brand Extensions ▪ How to make brand extensions? ▪ Advantages and disadvantages ▪ Examples 1.2 A company may have more than one brands in different product categories It is critical that the firm can help consumers understand its products and services and organize them in their minds. The brand-product matrix help to characterize and formulate branding strategies by defining various relationships among brands and products. 1.3 The brand-product matrix A graphical representation of all the brands and products sold by the firm Brands rows Products columns 1 A Brands B Products 2 3 4 C 1.4 P&G Matrix Shampoo Cosmetics Toothpaste Toothbrush Floss Brands 1.5 Definitions Brand line ▪ All products sold under a particular brand 1.6 P&G Matrix Brand Line 1.7 Definitions Brand line Brand portfolio ▪ The set of all brands in a particular category 1.8 P&G Matrix Brand Portfolio 1.9 Definitions Brand line Brand portfolio Brand mix ▪ The set of all brands that a particular seller/company makes available to buyers 1.10 P&G Matrix Brand Mix 1.11 Breadth of brand mix How many different products should we carry? (Whether we should go into a product category?) ▪ Aggregate market factors ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Market size Market growth...
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...hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in the world hp is the best company in...
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...Conflict and Change Harvard Case Study Professor: Robert Lazer PhD Team: Zerrin Hejazi, Mark Klabonski, Elizabeth Lamb, Hari Thenneti Pandurangamoorthi, & Hareshkumar Surani The History of Merck U.S. sales office opened in and George Merck, Heinrich’s grandson, was appointed head of the U.S. branch Friedrich Jacob Merck opened Merck in Germany 1668 1827 Heinrich E Merck transformed the business and Merck began manufacturing 1887 Merck merged with Philadelphia pharmacy Sharp & Dohme 1891 The renamed company Merck & Co. opens for business 1953 2009 Merck merged with ScheringPlough Corporation and Organon BioSciences Pharmaceutical Industry • The average drug development time is over fifteen years with an average R&D expenditure of $800 million. • The FDA requires three phases of testing to assess safety and effectiveness. o Test results dictate what is displayed on the drug’s label and how the doctor will prescribe it. • Follow-up studies (Phase 5) can be performed to assess the drug after market release (Phase 4) and amend the drug label for improved sales. Pharmaceutical Success • 1981 to 2001, Merck experienced an upward trend on several industry metrics. • Their Return on Sales (ROS) for their Human Pharma line peaked at just over 40% in 2001 with an average of 24% . • The early 1990’s exhibited a downward trend just prior to Gilmartin assuming the role of CEO. Pharmaceutical Success ...
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...requires further explanation to provide greater accuracy within the analysis. The two main areas for development within the question are the terms strategic and tactical. Strategic can be defined as 'relating to the gaining of overall or long-term military advantage'1 Tactical on the other hand can be defined as 'relating to or constituting actions carefully planned to gain a specific military end.'2 The Allied invasion of Sicily, codenamed OP HUSKY, was one of the major campaigns and naval landings of World War II. It began on the night of 9th - 10th July 1943 and was a combination of a large scale amphibious and fairborne operation proceeded by a six weeks of inland combat. The first strategic lesson that can be learnt is the need for co-ordination and integration of all arms and services into the initial planning phase and also during the execution of any operation, a key example of evidence to support this is during OP FUSTAIN. OP FUSTAIN was a mission to capture the Primosole bridge over the Simeto river. This bridge was vital ground for both the German/ Sicilian forces and the allied troops. It was the one major crossing point that would allow for the movement of...
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