...In Harold Ramis’s film, “Groundhog Day” and Franz Kafka’s story, “The Metamorphosis”, both main characters are faced with a life-changing event because of the way they live their lives. In Groundhog Day the main character Phil is an arrogant, sarcastic weatherman absorbed in his own discomforts, without hope, and cut off from other people. He is forced to relive the same day, groundhogs day, over and over again. In “The Metamorphosis the main character is Gregor Samsa, a man who spends his time working to pay off a debt for his father. Gregor wakes up to find that he has turned into a beetle. Throughout these two works the main characters try to go back to living their life as before not realizing that this is their second chance at life to make things right. Phil manages to do so only by breaking through and becoming a person of intimacy, creativity and compassion which sets him free from his exile of living in the same day over and over again. As for Gregor, going from someone everyone depends on to something no one wants to care for, he doesn’t get a chance to have everything go back to normal. He dies and his family, for once, is relieved. Groundhog Day lets us experience what it would be like to make a breakthrough like this in our own lives. The movie shows us a character that is like the worst in ourselves. Like us, he finds himself in an inexplicable situation, something like fate. But, unlike us, he gets the luxury of being stuck in the same day until he gets it right...
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...Franz Kafka, through “The Metamorphosis”, exhibits the limits of familial loyalty and love which reveals the abhorrent reality: unconditional love in the modern world is fictitious. The contrast between Gregor’s love for his family and theirs toward him clashes. The absence of loyalty in the families bond is what drives them to mistreat and use him. Even in the midst of Gregor’s metamorphosis his parents neglect him and his needs. Mr. Samsa throws apples at Gregor to show the reality of the family’s true feelings towards him. Furthermore, Gregor never has a cross thought of his parents or his sister, instead, mid death he meditates on their good qualities. Gregor loves his family even though they don’t feel the same. After Mr. Samsa loses...
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...Metamorphoses in Dune Alexandru Maniu In Dune, people can be both men and animals. For purely artistic reasons, the coexistence of different life forms under the same mask is a constant in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. In Orphism, nothing is immutable and everything is subject to change. For Ovid, this postulate must have had some limits generated by the artistic process: “nor can the arts that cure others cure their lord”. Transformed characters – so punished for ill behavior or challenging the gods – eventually acquire immortality, just like the poet himself. Deities can be either anthropomorphic or theriomorphic, yet they can change according to their own will and they don’t lose their divinity in the process. Ovid’s metamorphoses are usually final and the poor misfortunate loses some of his humanity forever. By far the cruelest fate is for one to lose his power of speech or his free-speech, as in the case of Acteon, changed into a stag, Callisto, changed into a bear or Lycon, who becomes a wolf. On a more subtle level, the nymph Echo is left only with the power of speech, but her words are not her own, as she is forced to repeat whatever she hears. All these stories cover a more complex level of understanding that deals with religion and ritual, and should not be taken as mere parables of morality. The myth of Artemis and Acteon encapsulates the confrontation between crude human conscience and the mystery of life, epitomized by the maternal deity (Isis, Artemis, Diana), with...
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...April Fabro English 200B Professor Taufer 29 May 2012 An Explication of William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 12 When I do count the clock that tells the time, And see the brave day sunk in hideous night; When I behold the violet past prime, And sable curls all silver'd o'er with white; When lofty trees I see barren of leaves Which erst from heat did canopy the herd, And summer's green all girded up in sheaves Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard, Then of thy beauty do I question make, That thou among the wastes of time must go, Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake And die as fast as they see others grow; And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence. William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 12 is written in an iambic pentameter in the Shakespearean format. It is a contemplation of one’s progression of life and the absolute emergence of ones death, with an ultimate purpose to convey the answer of an individual receiving eternal life. The sonnet is a short narration of definitive mortality that focuses on the passing of time through metaphoric images of nature and through the description of ones youth evolving into the dreaded phase of old age. It is a brief description of the passing of time here on earth. It showcases the passing of time in three quatrains: the end of youth, the end of the harvest season, and the end of ones life. The poem emphasized the importance of...
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...Running Head: INTERNET AND TEENAGERS The Use of Internet Creates Adverse Influence on Teenagers Tabassum Akhter 13304131 Sec: 08 Course: English 102 Date of Submission: 14th August 2013 BRAC University The Use of Internet Creates Adverse Influence on Teenagers On Christmas Day, 1990, in a lab at Cern in Geneva, Switzerland, Tim Berners-Lee finished building the tools to create the World Wide Web (Krotoski, 2010). Twenty years ago, this act of releasing the technology for free had been a revolution. Twenty years later, this snowballing age cyber age – with Twitter, Facebook, Skype, YouTube, Google and a maze of other electronic avenues – has engulfed the lives of today’s youth, where playing out into the fields has been replaced by surfing over the internet. Researches show that 87% of the youth today go online, representing 21 million youth (Weiss, 2005). It has become a growing concern in the society, especially among the parents, about the cyberspace’s detrimental impacts upon the teenagers since it is concealed beneath the whitewashed faces of social media and other sites and generates addiction resulting in reduced efficiency of the students. Furthermore, it exposes them to the dangers of cyber bullying, and ruins the teenagers’ creativity and originality; not to mention, it also creates destructive impact upon family bonds. The creators of social media and other beguiling websites assert that the growth in the use of Internet is leading...
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...Dying Spirits: Conditions for the survival of Igbo Masquerade Tradition in a Post Modern Era. A paper presented at the third edition of the monthly lecture series of Mbari Literary Society, Owerri, Imo State Nigeria. 1st August 2009. Greetings to my veritable ancestors. Greetings to the progenies and prodigies whose unequalled prodigy and genius produced this sacred art that is now singing an extinction dirge. All the Ancestral Spirits hovering unackno-wledged around this atmosphere, accept my unworthy salutations. Ndi Mbari Ibem, Welunu Ekene m, Onye m kporo ya kpoba ibe ya Onye na nke ya, onye na nke ya Nke onye chiri ya zere. If at the end of this intellectual discourse, the contents of this paper are merely seen as mere academic exercises, it would have failed. This point is made at the background of our realization that it is only practical dialectics that would save the African Viz a Viz. Igbo cosmology in its mortal struggle with the nihilating forces of globalization. By practical dialectics we mean a dialectics whose spine and pedagogy will bother on practice rather than theory. The guest lecturers of the first and second editions of this lecture series dwelt on topics that bothered on the preservation of our cultural heritage and language respectively. This paper shall not depart from that line. The difficulty in presenting this type of lecture is that a topic which hitherto is not discussed amongst women, particularly those that have not attained the...
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...Erich Weisz was a Jewish boy born in Budapest, Austria-Hungary in 1874. While he claims he was born in Appleton, Wisconsin. His father was a Jewish Rabbi, Mayer Samuel Weisz, and his mother was Cecelia Weisz (“Timeline of Houdini's Life”). Erich was short, standing at 5'5”, with dark gray eyes, dark wavy hair, and a high toned voice. Erich had little formal education, like most people at that time, but was exceedingly athletic and extremely motivated (“Harry Houdini Biography”). By the time Houdini was six, he had already developed a taste for magic and sleight of hand after seeing a traveling magician performed the Linking Rings trick. His first trick was making a dried pea appear in any one of three cups (“Harry Houdini” PBS). When Erich was nine some friends of his opened up a five-cent circus. He wore red woolen socks, and called himself "Erich, The Prince of the Air." Erich worked for a localized locksmith and able to pick almost any lock at age eleven. An autobiography by the famed French magician, Houdin, Erich was inspired and chose to follow in his footsteps business-wise. (“Timeline of Houdini's Life”). At the age of thirteen, Erich and his father moved to New York City, after a few of failures in the Midwest, and got jobs as newspaper seller. Then, when he was there he became very interested in trapeze arts and spent his time practicing (“Harry Houdini Biography” Bio.com). Erich and his father got casual jobs, while living in a boarding house, then later their...
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...History of Evolution The word "evolution" in its broadest sense refers to change or growth that occurs in a particular order. Although this broad version of the term would include astronomical evolution and the evolution of computer design, this article focuses on the evolution of biological organisms. That use of the term dates back to the ancient Greeks, but today the word is more often used to refer to Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. This theory is sometimes crudely referred to as the theory of "survival of the fittest." It was proposed by Charles Darwin in On the Origin of Species in 1859 and, independently, by Alfred Wallace in 1858—although Wallace, unlike Darwin, said the human soul is not the product of evolution. Greek and medieval references to "evolution" use it as a descriptive term for a state of nature, in which everything in nature has a certain order or purpose. This is a teleological view of nature. For example, Aristotle classified all living organisms hierarchically in his great scala naturae or Great Chain of Being, with plants at the bottom, moving through lesser animals, and on to humans at the pinnacle of creation, each becoming progressively more perfect in form. It was the medieval philosophers, such as Augustine, who began to incorporate teleological views of nature with religion: God is the designer of all creatures, and everything has a purpose and a place as ordained by Him. In current times, to some, the terms "evolution" and...
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...3. ‘The hallmark of the personal essay is intimacy’ (Lopate) Write the intimate life of a chosen text using the thinking and themes of any three weeks of the course. My skin controls me. It contains and constrains me, protects and projects me. It is a living coat spread out all over me without beginning or end. Seamless. Only through it can I feel and process the world. And it is through this coating that the world sees me. It is the screen on which social messages are displayed, thoughts are reflected. My skin controls me: dictating much of what I do. I guzzle water and nibble on nuts apply potions and lotions, don helmets and hats: All at the behest of my skin. Drinking too much, sleeping too little, lying too long in the sun and I am compelled to feel guilty. Connor says ‘the skin is not a part of the body’ (Connor 2002, 4) and indeed, my skin is like a domineering despot. It petulantly exposes my neglect by painting dark circles under my eyes, smudging the glow and scattering blemishes. It is the reflection of my soul, separate but inseparable from myself - my ‘body’s twin’ (Connor 2002, 5). It is this ‘twin’ (Connor 2002, 5) or my ‘immaterial, ideal, ecstatic’ (Connor 2002. 5) imagining of my skin that constitutes what Cooley described as a ‘looking glass self’. (described by Coser 1997) This concept states that ‘an individual’s self-conception result(s) from assimilating the judgments of their significant others’ (discussed by Mikala, 2012). What we see...
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...KAFKA MARX COMBO _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kafka wrote about the contradictions and anxieties of his time but the central theme of his works, indisputably, is the theme of alienation. Alienation is a complex subject which is linked with its vast historicity from the Judeo-Christian beginnings. To understand alienation in Kafka’s works, it is essential to understand its foundation within a socio-economic context of the modern society. In this regard, Karl Marx and his theory of alienation can help steering our way. The human society, as Marx had stressed in the Grundrisse, “does not consist of individuals; it expresses the sum of connections and relationships in which individuals find themselves”. Human beings therefore cannot exist independently of the society but are shaped by the society they live in. Human lives are dominated by natural and impersonal forces that control society to a great extent. While studying the nature and functioning of the capitalistic form of production Marx had discovered the uniqueness of human labor: “At the end of every labor-process, we get a result that already existed in the imagination of the laborer”. This physical and intellectual labor of man has resulted in the collective development of the productive forces and subsequently became capable of producing a surplus. By taking over control of the means of production, a particular minority class of people adroitly...
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...AP Psychology, Mr. Kujawa Analysis Writing--Stanford Prison Experiment 13 minutes--www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZwfNs1pqG0 29 minutes--www.youtube.com/watch?v=760lwYmpXbchttp 01. Consider the psychological consequences of stripping, delousing, and shaving the heads of prisoners or members of the military. What transformations take place when people go through this experience? 02. What are the effects of living in an environment with no clocks, no view of the outside world, and minimal sensory stimulation? 03. Compare the reactions of the visitors to the reactions of civilians in encounters with the police or other authorities. 04. What factors would lead prisoners to attribute guard brutality to the their disposition or character, rather than to the situation? 05. How and why did #8612, #819, and #416 break down emotionally? Do you think young adults from an urban class environment would have reacted in similar fashion as middle-class prisoners? Why or why not? Do you think women would have broken down emotionally in the same way as the middle-class prisoners? Why or why not? 06. What prevented “good” from objecting to the orders from the “bad” guards? 07. What were the dangers of the principal investigator assuming the role of prison superintendent? the former convict as head of the Parole Board? 08. Explain why it was and why it was not ethical to conduct this study. Was it worth to trade the suffering experienced by participants for the knowledge gained by the research? 09. In...
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...The museum offers a space to the public for education, meditation, reflection of the self and others. The issue of gender challenges, if not simply questions, an institution with a profound sense of power in deciding what makes history, what is representative of culture, and how individuals can be identified among a greater scheme of social construction. Feminist critique reveals museums to be generally colonising spaces of the female body. In a profession now largely occupied by women, there appears to still be a gender disproportion in directorial and curatorial positions. ‘The women’s movement has largely bypassed museums’ (Glaser & Zeneton 1994). Even with noticeable changes to gender perspectives in Western society, women have much to remodel in a museological world that is still dipped in a long-established and well-governed androcentrism. Museums are extraordinarily powerful institutions across the globe today. They present the past and present in ways that rule entire schools of thought, dictate truth and notions of common sense, and shape the ways in which people perceive and interpret meaning through culture and history. In assessing the status of modern museum culture, it is important to understand the politics by which an institution runs and governs itself. This issue is often overlooked in museum studies; historically museums have acted at their own discretion without much, if any, cultural, political, or social supervision; thus, despite a reputation for being...
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...------------------------------------------------- Monomyth From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "The Hero's Journey" redirects here. For other uses, see The Hero's Journey (disambiguation). The twelve stages of the hero's journey monomyth following the summary by Christopher Vogler (originally compiled in 1985 as a Disney studio memo): 1. TheOrdinary World, 2. The Call to Adventure, 3. Refusal of the Call, 4. Meeting with the Mentor, 5. Crossing theThreshold to the "special world", 6. Tests, Allies and Enemies, 7. Approach to the Innermost Cave, 8. The Ordeal, 9. Reward, 10. The Road Back, 11. The Resurrection, 12. Return with the Elixir. In narratology and comparative mythology, the monomyth, or the hero's journey, is the common template of a broad category of tales that involve a hero who goes on anadventure, and in a decisive crisis wins a victory, and then comes home changed or transformed.[1] The concept was introduced by Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), who described the basic narrative pattern as follows: A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.[2] Campbell and other scholars, such as Erich Neumann, describe narratives of Gautama Buddha, Moses, and Christ in terms of the monomyth. Critics argue that the concept is too broad...
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...well prepared to write detailed paragraphs about. Then, when you read the prompt you’re given on the day of the test, you can simply choose the examples from your repertoire that are most relevant to that particular topic. (Of course, this method isn’t fullproof; it may happen that you are unfortunate enough to get a topic that your prepared examples aren’t really appropriate for. If that’s the case, don’t try to force your examples to fit the topic. The process of coming up with these examples and writing several practice essays will also help you learn how to come up with new examples on the fly.) As you create your list, think of people and events from history, literature, current events, and your own experiences and observations. Choose things that you either already know a lot about or are willing to do some research on in order to have a wealth of details available to incorporate into your essay. A CD-ROM or DVD-ROM encyclopedia is probably the most appropriate source...
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...Name: Ekta Kapoor Birthday: 7th June, 1975 Zodiac: Gemini Awards: 1) Indian Television Academy Awards (Best Star Cast and Popular Serial) – Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi (2001) 2) Indian Television Academy Awards (Best Star Cast and Popular Serial) – Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi (2002) 3) Indian Television Academy Awards (Best Star Cast) – Kasautii Zindagii Kay (2003) 4) Indian Television Academy Awards (Best Popular Serial) – Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi (2003) 5) ITA Scroll Honor of the Year (2003) – Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi and Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki. 6) Indian Television Academy Awards (Best Thriller) – Kya Hadsa Kya Haqeeqat (2004) 7) Indian Television Academy Awards (Best Popular Serial) – Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi (2004) 8) Asian Television Awards – Asia’s most watched show – Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi (2004) 9) Indian Television Academy Awards (Best Continuing Series and Popular Serial) – Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi (2005) 10) Indian Television Academy Awards (Best Continuing Series) – Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi (2006) 11) Indian Television Academy Awards (Best Serial Jury) – Kasamh Se (2006) 12) Indian Television Academy Awards (Best Continuing Series) – Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi (2007) 13) Indian Television Academy Awards (Best Continuing Series) – Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi (2008) 14) Indian Television Academy Awards (Best Serial Jury) – Bade Acche Lagte Hai (2011) 15) Indian Telly Awards (Best Serial Jury) – Bade...
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