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Metaphor of Me as a Writer


Submitted By Ludcow
Words 514
Pages 3
My writing is as good as a blind man’s driving. I can create what I think is a masterpiece, but what the reader thinks of it, most of the time, is yet to be desired. Writing requires an individual with not only good foresight, but an individual with great intellectual skills and creativity. My writing skills have become a significant challenge for me, like my driving skills, which I believe worsen due to the Cheetah’s speed I have to encounter on the streets. I am accustoming to writing simple, non-descriptive, age appropriate pieces. Now I am expected to create fluent, thought provoking creations. How is this possible when I have to endure all spectrums of parts of speech? Writing is not only an act that I hate, but it is an act that I have to do almost every day in order to interact with the linguistic world. Despite the fact that I have been writing most of my life, I have not gotten any better than a blind man’s driving no matter how much effort I put into it.
My writing has left much to be desired. There could be a guideline, an outline or clear directions and I would still find ways to create a questionable piece. Did he even understand what I am asking, or did he even see the topic? The questions the cops would ask me after pulling me over for my continued stupid mistakes I make while driving, “Are you not accustom to road signals or is it your understanding of the road code that needs more to be desired?” I spend time and time again trying to express in my writings what is required of me, just as I try to explain to the cops why I hit the pole or why I am in the fast lane going slowly. Repeated penalties and repeated bad grades have consumed my deep grinding effort. Over and over again my improved writing practice has proven hopeless, because I can always find ways to continue down the path of an unacceptable piece. Is it the lack of fundamentals, or is it just my persistent bad writing skills? I continue to spend time wondering how to improve this poor habit that has consumed my life, and I have not found a way to rid myself of the repeated nightmare that I continue to face day after day with both my writing and driving.
Yes, improving my writing skills have become a major part of a failed endeavor. I have spent time and time again trying to perfect this skill but never manage to find the solution. The question I asked myself is should I give this up or should I just rid myself of the thought that this can be corrected. It might be easier to rid myself of my junker that I continue to put on the road, than to improve my ability to become a respected writer. Something has to give or this nightmare might just continue to plague my continued efforts to progress in my writing skills.

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