...Thomas Hobbes in his definition of humor discusses how to laugh is to laugh at and to know that you are superior. Hobbes suggests that this won’t help one adjust their own behaviors. In this part, Hobbes is right about Hogarth and his engravings. Specifically, in Industry and Idleness, the reader sees Hogarth’s plates depicting the consequences of one’s behavior. Obviously, Hogarth isn’t trying to attribute success and good to those who are like Goodchild, on the contrary, Hogarth creatively uses his plates to point out the flaws associated with “good children”. It is what goes on behind closed doors that should worry the reader. Although Hogarth appears to shine light on Idle’s problems, in reality it is that which reveals the smug Goodchild—with...
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...Jerome K. Jerome. He wrote novels Three Men in a Boat, The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, Novel Notes and Three Men on the Bummel. Jerome K. Jerome is famous for his art of story-telling, his vivid style and his humor which is generally expressed in laughter-provoking situations often based on misunderstanding. With sparkling humour he criticized the weak sides of human nature. The three men are based on Jerome himself and two real-life friends, George Wingrave and Carl Hentschel, with whom he often took boating trips. The dog, Montmorency, is entirely fictional but, "as Jerome admits, developed out of that area of inner consciousness which, in all Englishmen, contains an element of the dog.” The trip is a typical boating holiday of the time in a Thames camping skiff. This was just after commercial boat traffic on the Upper Thames had died out, replaced by the 1880s craze for boating as a leisure activity. This story tells us about a boating holiday on the Thames between Kingston and Oxford. The chapter for the interpretation Jerome K. Jerome begins with the lyrical describing the area where three friends had come. Those picturesque views and plenty of time inspire the travelers to try to cook a good, slap-up supper. They use all their sharpness and resource to cope with the assigned task. And during their tortures the author makes fun of their actions and raises some philosophic problems. In this chapter the reader can see three main characters. The first one is George. In...
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...journalism and acting. For three years he was an actor and had to play different parts. He had very little money and often went hungry and had no place to sleep. In his free moments Jerome tried to write. He wrote plays, stories and articles, but nothing was published. His first literary success was a one-act comedy which was performed in the Globe theatre in London in 1886. In 1889 a collection of his articles was published. They were published as a book under the title "The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow". This book became very popular in England, and it was published 105 times in 4 years. In 1889 Jerome's best book "Three Men in a Boat" also came out. "The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow" and "Three Men in a Boat" made the author famous. The books were translated into several European languages. In the following years Jerome published several books and plays. Jerome's last book was his autobiography "My Life and Time". He died in 1927. The works of Jerome are full of humor and they can't but amuse the reader. The plot is about that George suggested to cook an Irish stew. The men agreed with George and said that it was a fascinating idea. George gathered wood and made a fire, Harris and the narrator started to...
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...characters in the book, an accountant, responds to an offhand comment about the goal with a confused "The goal? You mean our objectives for the month?" That's sure to strike a chord with a lot of readers. At an operational level, measure your success toward the goal with these three metrics: Throughput - The rate at which the system generates money through sales. Inventory - The money that the system has invested in purchasing things which it intends to sell. Operational expense - The money the system spends in order to turn inventory into throughput. You could rephrase it this way - and someone does, a bit later in the book: Throughput - Goods out; the money coming in. Inventory - Materials in; the money currently inside the system. Operational expense - Effort in; the money going out. Obviously, your job is to minimize expense and inventory and maximize throughput. Adjust the flow of product to match demand. In particular, don't trim capacity to match demand. It's a standard cost-cutting procedure, sure. But you'll need that capacity later, if you're serious about increasing throughput. Find bottlenecks. If manufacturing is what's limiting your throughput, then the problem isn't that people aren't working hard enough. You have bottlenecks in your manufacturing processes that are holding up everything else. Find the bottlenecks and do everything you can to fix them. Increase their...
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...ESET NOD32 Antivirus Enjoy Safer Technology ESET NOD32 is an award-winning antivirus that helps you explore online securely trusted by over 110 million users worldwide. This antivirus is able to detect all types of threats like viruses, rootkits, ransomware, spyware, and worms and can neutralize them. It also provides protection against evading detection of antivirus and illegitimate websites trying to access your sensitive information. ESET NOD32 Antivirus protects your PC by the following way; Safer Internet to Enjoy Antivirus and Antispyware protect against online and offline threats and prevents malware from spreading and Anti-Phishing protects your privacy from the attempts by fake websites to get access to your sensitive information like usernames, password or banking information etc. Exploit Blocker blocks attacks especially designed to evade antivirus detection and eliminates lock screen and ransomware. It also protects against attacks on web browsers, PDF readers and other applications, including Java-based software...
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...reveals this by writing, “but his wife [Rip Van Winkles] kept continually dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family” (Irving 32). Judging from this, maybe she was better off with a man like Franklin. Right off the bat, Irving portrays Winkle as being a careless individual not by outside sources, but Winkles wife herself. While Franklin's philosophy was being a hard worker and all about being successful, Irving on the other hand shows the flip side of this not so perfect image that everyone needed to follow. But does this mean that just because someone can't help himself, he can't be successful in helping others? Franklin describes being lazy and having leisure time as different things. He writes, “Leisure is time for doing something useful; this leisure the diligent man will obtain, but he lazy man never…”(Franklin 459). In Washington Irving's story, Rip Van Winkle although doesn't help himself, he likes to help others. Irving writes, “Rip was ready to attend to anybody's business but his own; but as to doing family duty...it was impossible” (Irving 31). Irving describes this man as being a man that would help a neighbor out no matter the issue although he would never help himself or his...
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...In times of need, it is not rare for one to speak the unthinkable. To do anything so the message could get across. Just because someone points out the obvious in a manner that you would not want to hear, does not mean that person is horrible. They just want you to understand what they are saying. So when you have someone like Jonathan Swift, who cares deeply for their country, it would only make sense that we would try anything to help out. Ireland was suffering from overpopulation and as it would seem that no one was doing anything about it, Jonathan Swift was hoping that his literary work would start making his fellow citizens think about their predicament. “Fifthly, tis food would likewise bring great custom to taverns, where the vintners...
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...Instructions: ”Sorry for Disturbing You” Write an essay (900-1200) words in which you analyse and interpret Richard Knight’s short story “Sorry for Disturbing You”. Part of your essay must focus on the function of dialogue in “Sorry for Disturbing You” I will correct the following elements: * Verbal concord * Personal pronouns (he, him, she, his, her etc.) * Spelling * Paragraph structure * Introduction + thesis statement Text: “Sorry for Disturbing You”, a short story by Richard Knight, 2008 Sorry for Disturbing You is a short story written by Richard Knight and its main theme is regretting some of the choices made in life. Two guys are regretting things in this story – an old man called Michael and Ian, who is also the main character. Michael is an old sick man one night knocking at Ian’s door asking for a phone to call for a cap. Ian doesn’t feel like letting him in, but he follows his instinct and finally lets him in to help him. Ian following his instinct turned out to be a good thing, because letting Michael made Ian change The story is told by a third person limited narrator, as it is only Ian’s thought that appears in the text. So reading this story Ian is our eyes and ears. Every description is given to us by his point of view, which means that the impression of the characters that we get is affected by what Ian’s thoughts of these people. The fact that the narrator is a limited narrator, also has the effect that Ian can only be described...
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...on the evidence for the defence. The author passes on to the lawyer’s appeal to the jury: the defendant points at the lack of medical evidence of Tom Robinson’s criminal actions, the doubtful testimony of the Ewells and the fact that Mayella couldn’t be beaten by right-handed Tom Robinson. Then the lawyer supposes that Mayella slandered against Tom to conceal her attempt to tempt him. The author exposes the widespread false assumption on the black through Atticus’s antiracist appeal to the jury for being unprejudiced against Tom Robinson. The final part of the speech reveals the author’s criticism at the common opinion on the equality of people. The extract ends with finding Tom Robinson guilty. The main idea of the story is to make the reader think about the power of prejudices and the consequences they may bring about. The author treat this subject critically: she not only develops the idea of equality of people in the eye of the law and shows us how narrow-minded people of prejudice are, but proves that the evil and the good refers to no particular colour of skin. Alongside this message Harper Lee touches upon the idea of such timeless values people should cling to under any circumstances as kindness, fairness, compassion and others. Thus, one may define the story as both problem and philosophical one. The title of the story serves the main story line. On the one hand, it just summarizes the...
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...response of “Why not?” and decision to give her a small, walled-off piece of useless land, as well as his comments in lines 1-16 suggests that he was humoring her because he knew it would be quite an undertaking. In lines 7 � 40 “her crop was a miscellany when all was said and done, a little bit of everything, a great deal of none”, the text at first seems to change tones. Yet the speaker ends the poem by reiterating the woman’s pleasure of telling the story of when she was a “farmer”. When taken into context with the rest of the poem, the tone has not changed. Regardless of the outcome, the theme is that the value was in the learning experience and the pleasure the woman has even as an adult. The poem is mild-mannered and seeks to take the reader away from their daily life, as opposed to requiring heavy philosophic or morbid contemplations. The poem is very rhythmic and melodic. It follows a prescribed pattern with every second and fourth lines rhyming. Each...
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...Discoveries can often mean people need to change their views and create new understandings of the wider world around them. The Documentary GBTWYCF directed by Ivan O'Mahoey is one such documentary in which is able to manipulate not only the audience but participants as well. This uncut 'Social Experiment' is able to highlight these Facts which challenge their sense of self as well as their ethics and morals. The memoirs 'A Doctors War' written by Dr Rowley Richards explores a similar version of discovery when a young man is faced to live in a Japanese prisoner of war camp or die. This decision has a profound impact on both the reader and the protagonist. Both Richards and O'Mahoey use a vast amount of Documentary and literary techniques to show how discoveries will quite often mean that an individual will have to change their perspective and create a new understanding of the world in which they live in. An over whelming experience can be a catalyst for an individual to discover a previously unknown inner-strength as evident in GBTWYCF. Adam a 26 year old life guard from Cronulla who openly admit to his hatred towards Asylum-seekers. “ we should send them all back”. Adan can be seen as a very strong individual with quite firm beliefs at the beginning of the series. The viewer clearly understands Adams view point and is able to stereotype type him. However once adam visits the Villa Wood detention centre, Adams firm believes are shattered. A visual change can be observed with...
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...to society. Although Franklin was educated as Presbyterian, he treated all religion with respect. He believed that even the worst of religions had some good. Franklin did not let his religion tie him down. He often did not attend public worship and thus received admonishment from his minister. Once Franklin heard his minister’s five points he became conflicted. As a result he withdrew from his church and wrote his own prayer entitled “Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion” Franklin’s most arduous project was his attempt at moral perfection. He established his thirteen virtues to guide himself onto the right path. By charting his journey for moral perfection, Franklin was able to examine himself and learn from his faults. However as time went by, Franklin realized that it was not possible for him to become perfect. He acknowledged his failure and pointed out that his journey toward moral perfection shaped him to become a happier man. Franklin concluded in his memoir that pride was a moral imperfection that was difficult to subdue. Franklin uses ethos to establish credibility as role model for the young men of America to become successful. By highlighting his own experience with family, education, morals, and religion, Franklin establishes his authority on success. The library that Franklin began from scratch served to emphasize the importance of contributing to society and education. Even todays’ libraries exist to provide books to people. Franklin’s dedication to...
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...Campus Lecture Information: Mondays, 08:00 - 08:00, All COMM331 lectures are online via Moodle Pre-requisites: 96 Credit Points including all Faculty of Business undergraduate 1st year core subjects Co-requisites: Nil Restrictions: COMM333 Contact Hours: Online lectures plus 1 hour of tutorial (up to week 6) and 2 hours of computer lab (from week 7 up to week 13) Online Subject Material: The lecture material for COMM331 is all online. Students can access online materials via Moodle. COMM331 is supported by a UOW Libguide available at http://uow.libguides.com/index Teaching Staff Teaching Role Name Coordinator, Lecturer and Dr Belinda Gibbons Tutor Telephone Email 42215824 bgibbons@uow.edu.au Room Consultation Times 40.247 Wednesday 10:30 - 12:30 Thursday 13:30 - 15:30 Head Tutor Ms Natalie Akmacic NA akmacic@uow.edu.au NA TBA Tutor Ms Jinqi Xu NA vivenx@uow.edu.au NA TBA Tutor Mr Viktor Tomeski NA viktor@uow.edu.au NA TBA Tutor Ms Lynda Lorkovic NA lbricevs@uow.edu.au NA TBA Tutor Ms Nadeera Ranabahu Mudiyanselage NA nadeera@uow.edu.au NA COMM331 Subject Outline Autumn, 2016 TBA Page 1 of 21 Email Etiquette: Consultation with your subject coordinator and/or teachers via email Your teachers receive many emails each day. In order to enable them to respond to your emails appropriately and in a timely fashion, students are asked to observe basic...
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...writers in Europe. Washington Irving was born in New York, New York on April 3, 1783. His mother, Sarah, and father, William Irving, Sr., had eleven children including Washington. He was named after the United States first president, George Washington who was sought to be the greatest hero of all time to his parents. “… He attended the first presidential inauguration of his namesake in 1789” (Biography Channel). Irving was privately schooled and later went to study law in New York after his return from travelling Europe. In 1804 he travelled to France and Italy, while writing journals and letters. When he returned in 1805, Irving continued law school but did poorly for he barely passed the bar exam. (Biography Channel). After Irving finished his studies, he went on to write humorous essay with his older brother William Irving, Jr., and James Kirke Paulding. The Salamagundi papers published the essays in 1807 to 1808. Irving would often use pseudonyms or aliases such as Geoffry Crayon and Diedrich Knickerbocker. Irving used Diedrich Knickerbocker for his collection of comical writings known as A History of New York. If you are a New York native, or enjoy basketball, you should know that the New York Knicks were originally called Knickerbockers! Coincidence? No – even places in New York are named after...
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...Rhetorical Analysis In Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison writes in first and second person, evoking an emotional connection between the narrator and the readers, in order to highlight the drawbacks of upholding a facade to please others. The second person narrative in the Prologue causes the readers to personally reflect on the similarities between their lives and that of the narrator, which effectively drives Ellison’s point. The narrator says, “You often doubt if you really exist… you ache with the need to convince yourself that you do exist in the real world… and you swear to make them recognize you” (4). The use of second person prompts the readers to reflect back to a moment when they were ignored and had to change to gain the recognition of oneself and that of others. Through reflection, the readers thus come to empathize with the narrator’s surrender to adopting a facade to become visible to others. They are prompted to understand the “ache with the need to convince yourself that you do exist,” which causes them to be emotionally connected to the narrator’s plight. Additionally, while the Prologue establishes the downfalls of being forced into upholding a facade, the Battle Royal scene demonstrates the drawbacks after adopting a false facade to please others. Initially, the first person narrative in the Battle Royal scene causes the readers to experience vicariously the horrors of racism, increasing engagement while building outrage at the racism found in the scene. During the scene...
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