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Mexico Murals

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The two murals that I chose to use were ‘The Epic of American Civilization’ by José Clemente Orozco and ‘Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda Park’ by Diego Rivera. I chose these two murals because I saw them as somewhat of a before and after the Mexican Revolution ended. The first mural shows the dark times for Mexico and the somewhat bright times for the United States. The second mural shows what looks more of a happier time for the nation. The essential question that I chose to go with my two murals was the first one which said ‘Was the Mexican Revolution a true revolution that brought social, economic, and political change to Mexico?’ In the mural ‘The Epic of American Civilization’ there are many things going on. On one side of …show more content…
There are bright and lively colors all throughout the painting, there are various shades of yellow, white, and orange. The space all throughout the painting appears to be in an outside park surrounded by beautiful trees with light green ‘leaves’. There appears to be a celebration or festival going on in said park. There are many people wearing bright colors. There is even a person that is on a horse. Many different people seem to be in the crowd, rich, poor, old, and young. In the bottom right corner, there are some people that look to be vendors, trying to sell items to the immense crowd. There are people that appear to be playing instruments in the very left corner. In the front of the mural, there is some form of La Calavera Catrina (Dapper Skeleton), which could symbolize the people that had died to try to make Mexico a better place for not only the rich but also the poor. There are people on the right side of the mural that look somewhat angry that people are actually celebrating something. This mural symbolizes the after part of the Mexican Revolution, where the citizens and the government were at one point divided, but now they come together and act as a united

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