...MG420 Research Assignment Your task for this Research Assignment is to do all of the following (be sure to read and adhere to the notes below: 1. Define the term “collective bargaining” and list and describe four issues that are mandatory components of a collective bargaining agreement. The term collective bargaining is defined as U.S. labor relations system that works effectively, efficiency, equity and voice in which are achieved through collective bargaining. Representatives of the employer and the employees negotiate the terms and conditions of employment that will apply to the employees. There are four major issues including the following; compensation, personal policies and procedures, employee rights and responsibilities, and employer rights and responsibilities. Compensation is based on wages, benefits, vacations and holidays, shift premiums, and profit sharing. Personnel policies and procedures include layoffs, promotions, transfer policies, overtime and vacation rules. Employer rights and responsibilities are the management rights; just cause discipline and discharge, subcontracting, and safety standards. (Text, pg. 11) Efficiency, equity and voice, are the three primary objectives of labor relations, of employees, and even some management personnel. Employees seem to lean more towards equity and voice at the workplace, while management usually prefers efficiency. The tricky part is attempting to balance all three for an overall happy medium at the workplace...
Words: 2012 - Pages: 9
...MG420 DL Labor Relations Research Assignment (Your name) (Date of submission) Instructor’s Name 1. Define the term “collective bargaining” and list and describe four issues that are mandatory components of a collective bargaining agreement. Tips for success: • Have a clear Introduction, Body, and Conclusion for each question. • If I ask you to define something, please do not give me something from a dictionary. Be more creative than that. • Make sure you follow the MLA formatting style. You should be familiar with this by now. Note: I prefer, so I required, the use of parenthetical citations (I hate to have to scroll to see your references) • Make sure your source is credible. For example, do not give me anything you saw at Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia is a free-for-all site. Anyone can publish there, but these sources are not credible. • Make sure you discuss the relevance and/or applicability (to the question) of the source material you are using (and citing) in support of your offering. Paraphrasing or summarizing is always a nice touch. Here's an example from a previous student's paper: "The May 2010 issue of EPSU (http://www.something.something) discusses the plight of French firefighters who took action to try to get the government to declare their jobs as dangerous and to agree to special retirement agreements. At the time of the writing of this article, the firefighters and the government were preparing...
Words: 844 - Pages: 4
...Mg420 Research Assignment By Dwayne Logan MG420 DL Labor Relations Research Assignment April 29, 2012 1. Define the term “collective bargaining” and list and describe four issues that are mandatory components of a collective bargaining agreement. Include and discuss [showing relevance or applicability] at least one reference found in our text, along with a current web-based news item/magazine article about a real life example of a collective bargaining action. Pick any two of the four mandatory components you've listed and include and discuss [showing relevance or applicability] at least one reference found in our text, along with a current web-based news item/magazine article about each of those [two] collective bargaining issues in action. Write succinct and complete [individual] summaries on the contents of each of the articles you've provided along with your critical comments about each article. Support your findings with referenced research. (40 points) Three primary objectives of labor relations are efficiency, equity, and voice of employees, and even of some management personnel. Equity and voice are beneficial for employees at the work place, on the contrary, management under usual conditions prefers efficiency. The key to making both employees and employers happy is to attempt to balance all three components. The goal is to gain an overall happy medium for both employers and employees. Collective bargaining is how to reach happy medium, it is the...
Words: 4843 - Pages: 20
...MG420 DL Labor Relations Research Assignment (Your name) (Date of submission) Instructor’s Name February 21, 2016 1. Define the term “collective bargaining” and list and describe four issues that are mandatory components of collective bargaining agreement. Collective bargaining is the act of negotiating employment conditions such as wages and roles between the employer and the employees. I researched collective bargaining and Funk & Wagnails New World Encyclopedia states, “The bargaining process is concerned with wages, working hours, fringe benefits, job security, and other matters relating to working conditions.”(2015) There are four issues that are mandatory components of collective bargaining agreement. The first issue is compensation. Compensation includes wages, fringe benefits, vacations, and holidays, shift premiums, and profit sharing. The second issue is personnel, policies, and procedures, which are layoffs, promotion, transfer policies, overtime, and vacation rules. The third issue is employee rights and responsibilities such as seniority rights, job standards, and workplace rules. Employer rights and responsibilities is the fourth issue and that includes management rights, just cause discipline and discharge subcontracting , and safety standards. Collective bargaining is needed and happening all over the world. An example of current events/acts of collective bargaining is what’s going on is Wisconsin right now. Wisconsin’s governor Scott Walker signed...
Words: 1940 - Pages: 8
...MG420 Labor Relations Research Assignment 21 February 2016 Instructor: 1. Define the term “collective bargaining” and list and describe four issues that are mandatory components of a collective bargaining agreement. Efficiency, equity, and voice are the fundamental goal of labor relations and collective bargaining is a critical tool in maintaining and achieving this goal (Budd, 2013, p. 5). Collective bargaining are negotiations between employee and employer representatives concerning terms and conditions of employment that applies to the employees (Cornell University Law School, n.d.). The collective bargaining process results in a legally binding agreement between upper management and union members. The agreement through collective bargaining cover many areas, to include: compensations (wages, benefits, holidays/vacations, shift premiums and profit sharing), personnel policies and procedures (layoff, promotion, transfer policies, overtime and vacation rules), employee rights and responsibilities (seniority rights, job standards and workplace rules), employer rights and responsibilities (management rights, just cause discipline and discharge, subcontracting and safety standards), union rights and responsibilities (recognition as bargaining agent, bulletin board, union security, dues checkoff, shop stewards and no strike clauses) and dispute resolution and ongoing decision making (grievance procedures, committees, consultation and renegotiation procedures) (Budd...
Words: 2687 - Pages: 11
...MG420 DLF Labor Relations Research Assignment Professor Stephen Fant 1. Define and discuss the term “collective bargaining.” Include and discuss [showing relevance or applicability] a current web-based news item/magazine article about a real life example of a collective bargaining action. Write a succinct and complete summary on the contents of the article you've provided along with your critical comments about that article. Support your findings with referenced research. (5 points) A. Collective bargaining is how an employer and its employees, either individually or through a union, reach an agreement on the terms and conditions of employment. These terms and conditions are based on such items as compensation, personnel policies, employee rights, employer rights, union rights, and dispute resolution. Compensation can include such issues as wages, benefits, and vacation packages. Personnel policies can include layoff policies, promotion policies, and transfer policies. Employee rights can include seniority rights, job standards, and workplace rules. Employer rights can include such issues as management rights, just cause discharge, and safety standards. Union rights can include recognition as sole bargaining agent, use of a bulletin board in the workplace, and shop stewards. Dispute resolution can include grievance procedures, committees, and renegotiation procedures (Budd 13). There are three categories of bargaining items: mandatory, permissive, and illegal...
Words: 3619 - Pages: 15
...MG420 Research Assignment BY: Travis Jones 1.) Define and discuss the term “collective bargaining.” Include and discuss [showing relevance or applicability] a current web-based item/magazine article about a real life example of a collective bargaining action. Write a succinct and complete summary on the contents of the article you’ve provided along with your critical comments about that article. Support your findings with reference research. When the system is working effectively, efficiency, equity, and voice are achieved through collective bargaining. In collective bargaining, representatives of the employer and the employees negotiate the terms and conditions of employment that will apply to the employees. (txt book CH1 pg.18). New Farmer Health Insurance Relies On Collective Bargaining MADISON, Wis. (AP)--A new group health insurance program for Wisconsin farmers is the first of its kind in the country and will serve as a model for others to follow, designers of the plan said. The program promises to offer comprehensive insurance plans at cheaper rates than farmers could get on their own and with more extensive coverage and benefits. "People are waiting in the agricultural community for an option like this that will provide the health care they deserve," said Sandi Cihlar, 57, a dairy farmer in Mosinee, who attended Monday's news conference announcing the plan. The Farmers' Health Cooperative of Wisconsin relies on the collective bargaining power of the...
Words: 6384 - Pages: 26